.O O Earth of earth .O O DUB (the tablet) .O O Adar / adad / ninurta (commonly misread as ninnib) .O O
negative sticks ( NO! The situation is too severe.)
Katuadar (The Fall of Saturn) Severity
severity,Obstacles , keeping secrets, the people, darkness, the house, inner, beginings, potential gone stagnant, receptive,
evident, hunger for attention, Fate, atrophy, gnosis, Hammer on the anvil stacked stones, the hammer head. the hammer
and anvil the writ of the hunger of the dead gods 0000 the corpses of the fallen elementals
Place of returning,
place of reeds, the hammer of earth, lain down on earth, to make the place of the Sheppardess like a box of stone. Search
, look for water below the stone. In the sleeping place, lie down and rest. Forge the hammer o' queen of enchantment. -------------------------------------------------------------
.O O Water of earth .O O gniri (lightening flash) .O O Shala . O
earth stick 'yes', the rest 'no'
( No-You think too much and feel to little. )
Tebuadar (The rise of Adar) Tough mindedness
closure, toughmindedness, release, just punishment, the head (inner voice), lightening, alone, fertility, spirit, single mind,
soul, personal, inner,CHANGE, stone splashes water, water under the earth, the chisel, the scriber, the stone carver.
the strength of the earth, the wings of the earth , the shining place, the mighty reed Distant champion of the reed, remove
the beast below and order the binding of the reed. If they ask 'how?', speak saying 'I am the arm of stone.',If they ask what?
speak saying 'I am the wings of the hammer, the distant champion of the hammer, I appoint the bond of the hammer, I appoint
the fortress of stone.' --------------------------------------------------------------------- .O O Fire of earth .O
O Babar (whitness) . O Enlil .O O
Water stick 'yes', the rest 'no' (No-The answer is not Judged to be
Katuenlil (The Fall of Jupiter) Judgement
for awareness of happenings, shareing of information
,to battle evil at all times, extroverted, intuition, feeling, perception, guardians, champions, quests, honor, rigeousness,
life promoteing, scion of the light. recover of rightful claims the white light,The hammer in the flames,the cup of sharrukin,
the boiling kettle, the burnt offering.
Lady of the righteous place, lady of the righteous reeds, lady of the uplifted
reed, thou makest a shadow, dark like coal. Your arm waters the earth, the mighty well of earth, your strength is imposed
on the earth, to make the mighty place . The fire lies down to rest, the river pulls out the stone, the lady of the breath
of life rests. The Lady of the uplifted hammer makes the wings lie still. saying, 'Water is the milk of the earth, the daily
offering, made to the heavens." -----------------------------------------------------------------
.O O Air of
earth .O O NGISH the scepter . O Ninlil . O
earth and water 'yes' the rest' no' (Perhaps-Perhaps Not-But
the answer lies in Planning. Cast again to see if the timeing is right)
Tebuenlil (The rise of Jupiter) Sceduled
for unity of all selves, attraction, harmony, facination with good and evil, sacrifice for atonement. out side help,
decrees being made, judgements called forth, to speak with authority.
Heaven and earth, are like the arms of Enki.
In windy places, the winds of earth speak saying, 'it is he'. The heavens move above the stone, the winds rest, the heavens
answer ---------------------------------------------------------------------
.O O Earth of Water . O Sagal
(fierce or fiery red cup) .O O Nergal .O O
Fire is 'yes' all others are 'no' ( No-But everyone will know
about your displeasure)
Katunergal (The fall of Mars) Expressive
for repulsion, exspession, harmful
spells, sorcery, enchantment, glamours, witchcraft, menace, dread, medicine, venom, conspiricy, change, the bell, the tempest,
the forces of evil. redness, blood spilled on the ground
Spirit!Elemental! Beach of the river, earth of the water
lay down your strength! The hammer of might in the distant places of the earth, appoints the bond. The place is far from the
champion and the earth unlocks the beast! The hammer scatters the fortress. Lay down the appointed bond, lay down the distant
beast, lay down the distant hero. -------------------------------------------------------------------- .O O Water
of water . O im-ba (that which is payed) .O O Ereshkigal . O
earth and fire 'yes' the rest 'no' (Perhaps-Perhaps
not-But the answer will be found by standing alone Cast again to see what binds you.)
Tebunergal (The rise
of Mars) Extroverted
for inspired precisition, trickery, deceit, Tabboos, demons, to force a thing onto it's course.
betrayal blood, huge sacrifice for tiny gain.
The father is fallen, yet the arm is strong, the wings are fallen and
the waters are the strength that unlock the beast of might! Remove the champion's strength. Who is the beast, who is the champion,
who is the hunter ? Unlock the beast that scatters the hunters, unlock the champion that appoints the union! --------------------------------------------------------------------
.O O Fire of water . O ush (edge of joining/ edge of tension/ union) . O enki .O O water and fire
'yes' reast are 'no' (Perhaps-Perhaps Not-But the Answer Will not be found alone Cast again to find your partner)
(The fall of Enki) Sensation
for funtional interpretations of objects, flame, conflict begetting change, the
edge of tention, balance, potential , reconciling opposites, the battle lines
Lady of the righteous waters, lady of
righteous might, lady of amorous wing, who is a crown of might. The arm that imposes strength , make that arm strong . Lady
of the righteously appointed union , lady that desires the unlocked beast, strength that imposes the appointed union , make
the strength that unlocks the hunter. --------------------------------------------------------------------
O Air of Water . O sang aka mush (head of the serpent)or Ama (mother) . O Ninki / Ninhursag . O earth and
water and fire 'yes' wind 'no' (Yes- the Answer is outside of you)
Tebuenki (The rise of the Enki) Obsearvant
for outer answers, searches, hunting, obsearvant, awareness of existence, exoteric knowledge , to go out, the head
of the serpent, old woman
The heavenly waters, the heavenly wings, open the places of outer dreaming, and the heavenly
appointed bond above the appointed fortress. You are the wind that unlocks the champion, the wind that removes the beast.
. O Earth of fire .O O tiranna the
rainbow .O O Nanna-sin .O O
wind 'yes' all the rest 'no' ( NO-But you will be happy anyway even if it
is an illusion).
katu nanna the fall of nanna intuitive
for admiration, recognition, mastery, bright
endings, dominance, justice, guardians, providers , worship, raindows, illusions.
In the country the lady is amorous,
in that place the lady is delivered. Lay down and rest lady of righteousness. The hammer of flames, the hammer of the lady
of righteousnes is her beloved, her place of builded strength, who made her place to drink and lay down. The decree speaks
saying, "Lay down the hammer and rest.." ---------------------------------------------------------------------
O Water of Fire .O O Agarin (womb, bowl, containment) .O O Ningal / Sahara . O earth and wind 'yes' the rest
'no' (Perhaps-Perhaps not-But the answer will be a womb or a prison. Cast again to see what will be birthed or Enchained)
tebu nanna (rise of nanna) introspective
Mighty lady look about, the mighty fire is risen up to remove
and take away your worry. The distant beast that worries the just must hear the decree that the mighty wings impose, 'Flee
the high places that might imposes, scatter the lion that uproots. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
. O Fire of fire .O O Siskur (sacrifice) . O Damuzi / Tammuz .O O
water and fire 'yes' all others
'no' (perhaps, perhaps not, cast again to see what you must sacrifice)
Katu inanna (the decent of inanna)
for. disillusionment, to lead without seeming to, accelleration, to lead, to quicken, to crecendo,
to reach the height of power. to gain a geat deal (possibly at to much cost)
The Lady has a righteous fire, flame
of the passionate lady. Glistening I burn, strength made of fire.The lady of passionate strength made me. I make the winged
flame, the crown of might is made --------------------------------------------------------------------
. O Air
of fire .O O Dumu-mi the daughter . O Inanna . O
earth, water, and wind 'yes' (most likely yes As
long as you are prudent)
tebu inanna (the rise of Inanna) attentive
for courage, prudence, will and
resolve, wisdom, adventure, rightfull claims virginity young girl
Drink power and rise up, heavenly lady of justice,
breath lady and rise up, heavenly lady rise up! Might made me, heavenly power made me,the breath is mightily made, the wind
made my might ---------------------------------------------------------------------
. O Earth of air . O Eshda
the mace or gidub the tablet and the reed .O O nebo .O O fire and water 'yes' (perhaps, perhaps not cast again
to see what form of secret help you need)
perceiving katu nebo (the decent of nebo)
for, compleation
of duty at any cost , keeping of the covenant, solid information and sound judgement, rules and regulations, secret help,
keeping covenants, planning, plans, distraction, safe conduct, invisible protection
Place of the heavens, shape of
the heavens. Made in the heavens, like milk from the heavens. Whirling wind, shape of the breath, made of the wind, hammer
of the wind --------------------------------------------------------------------- . O Water of wind . O Ibila
the son/ heir .O O Tashmitum . O earth, fire and wind 'yes' (most likely but you are being rash)
nebo (the rise of nebo) probing
spot and report discrepencies, distaste and distrust of fancyness, neat orderly
functional, heirlooms, classics, heirs, traditions broken, rashness, defeat, probing, agressive interaction, folly, potency,
young man
The arms of heaven, the might of heaven, scatters and tears it down. The wings of the wind, might of the
wind, scatters the champion to the wind ---------------------------------------------------------------------
O Fire of wind . O kun aka mush (tail of the serpent)or abba (father) . O Shamash .O O water, fire and wind
'yes' (most likely but you must seek within for the answer)
katu shammash (the decent of Shammash) mercy
for, visualisation of where the path leads, communication of vision, systemitizeing, ordering, prioritizeing, summerizeing
reduction of redundency, to seek answers within, to soul search, esoteric knowledge, the serpent's tail. old man
whirling spirit, fire in the heavens, I have made a shelter,I have gone within. Stir up the thought, lady stir up the storm.
Might imposes the storm, I have found shelter within it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
. O Wind of wind . O Sila (path) note that adapa's wife was called sila . O Shapash / Aya . O
positive (yes, with blessings)
tebu Shammash (rise of Shammash) warm hearted
for, life, healing,
compleation, luck, light, joy, thanksgiving, evolution, praise, peace
Glistening light, mighty heaven, starry breath
above the sky. Breath the sacred, lift the joy,breath the wind, breath the spirit of the place
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