I have gotten numerous emails asking the question:
"Where do the sacred numbers of the Sumerian Gods come from?"
It seems easy to understand some of them like the number of the moon.
The moons number is 30 as in 30 days in a lunar month, just as 20 the number of the Sun is 20 (20 days to a solar cycle).
But while these things do play a part in the numbers it is actually another factor that determines the God numbers. Recipricals
of the numbers 60 and 360!
Cuneaform math was set up on a base sixty notation and in this notation, division and multiplication were difficult tasks.
In order to ease this difficulty, they used tables of recipricals.
Recipricals are the 'reflective' numbers in division and multiplication.
For instance Anu was first among all the Gods, thus Anu's number was 60 or 360. (60 divided by 1 equals 60). Note that
Enlil and Enki do not have perfect recipricals to 60 and are thus divided into 360.
Here are the numbers of the Gods and their reciprical order:
the table is laid out with the god name, the reciprical order, and then the math for 60 or 360. I.E
Anu 60, 1 (60/1=60), (360/60=6) (6+1=7 the number of the unknowable)
TABLE of recipricals to 360:
Anu 60, 1 (60/1=60), (360/60=6) (6+1=7 the number of the unknowable)
Enlil 50, 2 (60/50=1.2),(360/50=7.2)
Ea 40, 3 (60/40=1.5),(360/40=9) (9 the number of the desire to grow, and 3X3=9, the '3' are Anu, Enlil, and
The 60 of Anu notes his perfection and the numbers of Enlil and Enki being none reciprocal to 60 shows their
greater Status in the order of the gods.
TABLE of recipricals of 60
Anu 60, 1 (60/1=60) (the all and Judge of the All)
Sin 30, 2 (60/2=30 days to a lunar month) (Sun, the day light and Judge of the
Shamash 20, 3 (60/3=20 days to a solar month) (Moon, the night light and Judge of the Night)
Ishtar 15, 4 (60/4=15 days to the full Moon) (Venus brightest planet in the sky and Judge of the Heart)
Nebo 12, 5 (60/5=12 months to a year and thus record keeping of animals and grain throught the seasons)
(Mercury fastest planet and Judge of the Mind)
The King / Enlil (Jupiter) as king 10, 6 (60/6=10 lunar months to human gestation,
10 as the 1 the number of man brought to the highest order and thus the king's perfection and mastery over the material world
of form represented by Enki's reciprocal of 9 and the Judge of Man)
7 has no perfect reciprical to 60 or 360 but comes to 8.54 for 60. Seven is the number of Mystery and Magic and
its reciprical is closest to the reciprical of Enki the lord of magic and form and solver of dilemnas(9).
8 has no perfect reciprical to 60 but due to it's imbalance to 60, it is the number of Conflict and
Obstacles that must be overcome. It is also the number of Nergal the Lord of the Underworld(mars) and
has the riprocal of 45 to 360. 8 are the rays of the star that means 'god' in cuneaform and all the gods but Enki and
Anu went to the realm of death to face trials and obstacles in order to learn a moral / social lesson.
9 has no reciprical to 60 but it is the reciprical of 40 (Enki) to 360
So far we have touched upon the numbers of all the major (planetary) Dieties but one: Rimon / Adad (Saturn) who's
Number is 4.
4 has the reciprical 15 (60/15=4) The number four is the four elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Water. Adad was the
lord of the four elements that granted life. Ishtar (15) is the life principle, thus life (15) manifests through Anu (60)
on earth through the four elements (4).
I hope that this will shed some light on the Number of the Gods.
Note these number harmoneys as reciprocals of 360 the number of degrees in the zodiac:
Mercury (360/12=30 days)
Venus (360/15=24 hours)
Sun (360/20=18 orginal signs in the Sumerian Zodiac)
Mars(360/8=45 degrees in the 8 seasonal divisions of the old Sumerian Calender)
Jupiter(3600/50=72 Shedu / spirits of the heavens)
saturn (360/4=90 degrees that make up the four quarters of the year)
Note: Parpol gives the following numbers for the gods
1. 1 (Anu) (1 as reciprical of 60)
2. 60 (Ea) (1 as reciprical of 60)
3. 30 (Sin) (2 as reciprical
of 60)
4. 50 (Ellil) (no reciprical of 60)
5. 20 (Shamash) (3 as reciprical of 60)
6. 15 (Ishtar)
(4 as reciprocal of 60)
7. 40 (Nabu) (no reciprical of 60)
8. 10 (Adad) (6 as reciprical of 60)
14 (Nergal) (reiprical is 4.2)
10. 3,600 (The King) (no reciprical to 60)