katu nebo o o o o o o
o o 1 Now it came to pass that all was not well between the
Mulu A and the Mullu Izi..
o 2 The Mulu Izi knew the secret of fire, they sewed clothing and made fine and
delicate things, they thought the Mulu A were course and simple.
o o o o 3 The Mulu A could not make fire,
they wore skins and thought the Mulu Izi beautiful and frightening.
o o o 4 the Mulu Izi lived in their
own places away from the Mulu A because the Mulu Izi and the Mulu A found preference in their own kind.
o o 5 The Mulu Izi begat children and grew numerous, the Mulu A begat children and were numerous.
o o
6 There were among the Mulu Izi, one called Adapa who was first born amongst the Mulu Izi, and with him was his mate,
Sila. They begat between them two sons Engar and Ur.
o o o o o o 7 Engar was a child of Nechar, and was
a tiller of the earth, Ur his younger brother was more like the Mulu A and he was a hunter.
o o o o o
8 Engar was beloved by his people and was looked upon by the women of the Mulu Izi.
o o o o o 9
Engar grew Canubu, and he offered it to the gods, the new wine untouched by human hands.
o o o o 10 Ur
was unshorn and dirty, he was not looked upon by the women of the Mulu Izi, yet when he went before the Mulu A, they favored
him for Ur was not like the Mulu Izi.
o o o o o 11 In time the Mulu A saw that Ur was as the best
amongst them, and he stood among them like a head man. The Mulu A spoke to him of their jealousy and told him of the
First Brood.
o o o o 12 Ur sought the First Brood in the deep wild places and there he cast bargains
with them for they feared the might that was within him, and he offered up children to them
o o o o 13
Ur returned to the Mulu A and sat as a king among them, for no warrior could best him, nor could any sorcerer overcome
him with the magic of the First Brood.
o o o 14 Now it came to pass that Ur hunted one day and passed
near to the places of the Mulu Izi, and he thought to spy in secret upon them. It came to pass that when Ur approached
the river he saw women bathing at the shore.
o o o o o o o o 15 Amongst the woman in the river was
the betrothed of Engar. Her name was Erin, and she was passing beautiful.
o o o o o o o 16 When
Ur saw Erin, he desired her above all else, He returned to the Mulu A and sent word to the Mulu Izi that he desired Erin
of the river for his wife.
o o o o o o o 17 When Engar heard this he went before Adapa and Sila
saying, "I will go before my brother and treat with him for if love is within his heart he will understand that I
have said 'Mu ashta za e' to Erin, and that she has said this to me in kind.".
o o o o o o 18
Engar went before his brother and Ur did not greet him, instead Ur said, "Were is my bride?".
o o o o
o o o 19 Engar replied, "The one you seek is at the home of her parents, she has said 'Mu ashta za e' to me. I
have also said this in kind to her. She is my bride"
o o o o o o 20 Ur was wroth but said only, "Then
go home to your bride." and walked forth from his place into the wild.
o o o o o o 21 Engar began
his journey home with sorrow in his heart, for he knew Ur was lost to him.
o o o o o 22 It came
to pass that Ur had followed Engar close behind. Ur crept up upon him and slew him with a stone. Ur cast the body of Engar
in the river, and it was taken away by the Enki.
o o o o o o o 23 Ur washed his hands in the river
and went to the place of the Mulu Izi and entered the place of his father.
o o o o o o 24 Adapa
looked upon Ur and said , "Where is Engar your brother?" and Ur spoke thusly, "Am I my brother's keeper?"
o o
o o o o 25 Ur spoke saying, "I have come for Erin, for Engar has given her to me as wife." and he went to
the place of Erin.
o o o o o 26 Erin received Ur and said, "Ur, my parents are not here to receive
you. Where in Engar your brother?" and Ur spoke thusly, "Am I my brother's keeper?"
o o o o o
o 27 Ur spoke further saying, "I have come for you, for Engar has given you to me as wife." and he took Erin by the
o o o o o 28 Erin spoke saying, "I have said 'Mu ashta za e' to Engar, and he to me. He spoke
to me ere he left saying that only death would keep him from me." Then it was that the Enki whispered in her ear, and
Erin cried out to the Mulu Izi saying, "Ur has slain Engar! Ur has slain my heart!".
o o o o o 29
Ur silenced Erin and cast her over his shoulder. He fled the place of the Mulu Izi and went towards the places of the
Mulu A.
o o o o 30 Now it came to pass that when Ur reached the river, Erin struggled against
him and he sought to still her struggles. Ur fought with her in the river, and slew her though he had not meant to. He
set her body in the river and Enki took it away.
tebu nebo o o o o o
o o 1 Now it had come to pass that Ur fled to the Mulu A and
told them that his brother had slain Erin and blamed it upon him. Ur said that it had been because Erin had chosen
Ur above Engar. He said Engar had fallen upon him in the wilds and sought to slay him there.
o 2 Ur claimed
that Engar had struck his head on a stone by mischance and had died. Ur said that the Mulu Izi had been blessed by the
Elder Gods and that they made ready to attack saying "Ur is of the Mulu A, The Mulu A must perish that we live!".
o o o o 3 Now the Mulu Izi of Erin's camp were sore with anger and went together in force towards the
places of the Mulu A.
o o o 4 The Mulu Izi came upon a shallow place in the river, and there found Engar
and Erin,arm in arm, dead upon the shore were the Enki had placed them.
o o o 5 The Mulu Izi made prayers,
and buried Engar and Erin were they had found them in each other's arms,
o o 6 The Enlil smelled the offerings
to the dead and he went before the Mulu Izi and spoke saying, "What goes on here, why are there prayers to the dead?"
o o o o o o 7 Adapa spoke of all that had been, saying, "Ur has slain his brother and his brother's
promised wife. When I inquired of him where Engar tarried, he said only 'Am I my brother's keeper?', and went forth to
seek Erin."
o o o o o 8 Sila spoke saying, "When he went to Erin and spoke to her,Erin came forth
crying,'Ur has slain Engar! Ur has slain my heart', and Ur silenced her and fled the places of the Mulu Izi. Erin and
Engar had said ashta za e one to the other".
o o o o o 9 The Enlil looked upon them and saw that all
was as they had said it had been. The Enlil looked upon the places of the Mulu A, and he saw that they were not there.
The Enlil looked upon the Mulu A and saw that they waited with Ur to fall upon the Mulu Izi, and that their hearts were
full of Anger and turned from the Gods and the Enki whispered in his ear of Ur's dark deeds.
o o o o
10 The Enlil sent word to Ashdar, and she made Hulupu tree grow were Engar (the farmer) and Erin (the cedar) lay
o o o o 11 The Enlil blessed the Mulu Izi of Erin's camp saying, "Vengeance is a dish that spoils quickly
in the heat, justice endures the furnace. All is as you say, let Justice be done. Fall upon Ur and the Mulu A that are
with him." .
o o o o 12 Now the Enlil showed the Mulu Izi of Erin's camp the place were the Mulu
A lay in wait with Ur to fall on them
o o o o 13 The Mulu Izi of Erin's camp went forth with their weapons
and fell upon the Mulu A.
o o o 14 The Mulu A were sore surprised, and unready to defend themselves.
They were slain, but Ur was not to be found among them, for he had slipped away before the battle.
o o o
o o o o o 15 Now when word of the battle reached the ears of the other Mulu A, they were full of fear and
wrath, and they cried out in anger to the Elder Gods.
o o o o o o o 16 When news of the battle
reached the other Mulu A in Edin, they were angry and fearful of the Mulu Izi , and they lifted their voices to the Elder
o o o o o o o 17 The Enlil came to the Mulu A and the Mulu Izi and sat between them to be
judge over their dispute.
o o o o o o 18 The Enlil spoke and said, "I have looked with my awareness
upon all that has been and I see great ill here, where is Ur that this be set aright? I know that he is not among
the dead."
o o o o o o o 19 Nahash the Ninib (scribe) of the gods said, "I will take word to him."
and he departed of a sudden.
o o o o o o 20 Now the Ninib went before the Enki and inquired of Ur.
Ur was hidden within a cave and was startled when Ninib came upon him there.
o o o o o o 21 The
Ninib said, "Ur!, The Enlil calls you before him, asking, ' where your brother.?"
o o o o o 22
Ur answered him saying, " Am I my brother's keeper?". and the Ninib answered saying, "Nay, the Enki is your brother's
keeper." and he departed of a sudden.
o o o o o o o 23 The Enlil was wroth that Ur came not upon
being summoned. He sent out his awareness to Ur and looked within Ur's heart.
o o o o o o 24 The
Enlil saw all that had happened between brothers, and he saw how Ur had deceived the Mulu A. Ur felt the mind of the Enlil
upon him, and he was sore afraid.The Enlil spoke to Ur's heart saying, "Get thee gone! Be not the Ur (hunter) but
rather Alul (the betrayer) let your seed end among the beasts of the field!" and the Alul fled to the north.
o o o o o 25 When the awareness of the Enlil returned to the dispute, he told the Mulu Izi and the Mulu
A all that had taken place, and bid them make peace for the Mulu A had been deceived by Ur.
o o o o o
26 The Mulu A demanded of the Enlil that he make the Mulu Izi pay them one goat for each of the slain. The Mulu Izi
asked the Enlil to make peace, and would give nothing to the Mulu A because they had been the first to be wronged.
o o o o o o 27 The Enlil spoke saying, "There has been too much blood, The Mulu Izi also lost
kin in this. Let the Mulu Izi pay one goat for each three of the Mulu A that were slain.".
o o o o o
28 The Mulu Izi said, "The Enlil is just.", and made agreement, but the Mulu A were unsatisfied and cried out for
their original demand. The Enlil said, "I have decided.", and departed the place of judgment..
o o o o
o 29 Now when the Enlil departed, the Mulu Izi made to leave and gather the goats for compensation, but the Mulu A
raised their voices in anger and spoke hard words to the Mulu Izi saying,"You are beloved of the Elder gods, they
have taken our birth right from us and turned their hearts from us! The First brood gave us fire to save us. The Mulu
A came before the Mulu Izi, even as the First Brood came before the Elder Gods.!".
o o o o 30
The Mulu A turned their hearts from the Elder gods. They rose up in anger and fell upon the Mulu Izi crying, "Slay them
for they are abominations! Kill them that we might live!", and the battle was begun anew.
katu utu
o o o o o
o o 1 Now it came to pass that the Elder Gods called the younger
gods to them and looked upon the war of the Mulu A and Mulu Izi
o 2 The leaders of the Mulu A and Mulu Izi
were called to stand before the Eternals that they could speak and find peace between them.
o o o o 3
Adapa of the Mulu Izi came before the Gods but the leaders of the Mulu A sent word saying, "We have turned our hearts
from you, and serve now the First Brood. The Mulu Izi are abominations."
o o o 4 Addi, the Utu spoke saying,
"The Mulu Izi are My kin for my blood is in them, the Mulu A scorn us.."
o o o 5 Nahash the Nebo said,
"The Mulu Izi are my kin for my blood is in them, the Mulu A fear us."
o o 6 Pileha the Ashdar said,"The
Mulu Izi are my kin for my blood is in them, the Mulu A have forsaken my heart."
o o o o o o 7 Naphish
the Zuen said, "The Mulu Izi are my kin for my blood is in them, the Mulu A do not want us."
o o o o o
8 Chemosh the Ninurta said, "The Mulu Izi are my kin for my blood is in them, the Mulu A hate us."
o o o
o o 9 Nechar the Enlil said, "The Mulu Izi are my kin for my blood is in them, the Mulu A do not obey us."
o o o 10 Shanhuth the Adar said, "The Mulu Izi are my kin for my blood is in them, the Mulu A are dead to
o o o o o 11 Adapa begged a voice and the Enlil granted his ear.
o o o o 12 Adapa
said, "The Mulu Izi are my kin, but the Mulu A have disowned us."
o o o o 13 The Gods sent Adapa from
them and spoke among themselves.
o o o 14 It was decided that the leaders of the Mulu A should be sent
for yet again, and the Ninib went before them asking, "Will there be peace?'
o o o o o o o o 15
The Mulu A sent word saying, "We have turned our hearts from you, and serve now the First Brood. The Mulu Izi are abominations,
there will be no peace."
o o o o o o o 16 When the Ninib returned and spoke the words of the Mulu
A, The Enlil rose up from his place.
o o o o o o o 17 The Enlil said, "The Mulu Izi are of my
blood, the Mulu A have turned their hearts from us, there will be no peace.."
o o o o o o 18 Adapa
went to the Mulu Izi and spoke saying, "The Mulu A have turned their hearts from the Eternals and serve not the Elementals."
o o o o o o o 19 The Mulu Izi asked, "And what of the dispute between us? Will there be peace?",
and Adapa spoke saying, "There will be no peace..." and he wept.
o o o o o o 20 Now it came to pass
that the ancient First Brood had entered into pacts with the Mulu A and gave them much strength and knowledge.
o o o o o 21 The Mulu A rallied their powers and prepared to beset the Mull Izi. The First Brood had counseled
them to come is silence upon the Mulu A in the night, for then the spirits of the First Brood could move at will.
o o o o 22 With the magic of the First Brood, the Mulu A made a Gishur of silence about themselves, and
the Mulu A went forth to the camps of the Mulu Izi.
o o o o o o o 23 When the Mulu A came upon
the Mulu Izi, it was night and they were covered in silence. The Mulu Izi did not perceive the Mulu A and were taken by
surprise. Many of the Mulu Izi of that place were slain and their goods taken.
o o o o o o 24
When the other Mulu Izi of Edin heard of it they rose up in arms for they were angered and they knew there would truly
be no peace. When the other Mulu A of Edin heard of it they rose up in arms for they knew there would be no peace.
o o o o o o 25 The Mulu Izi did not wait, they fell upon the Mulu A. The Mulu A did not wait,
they fell upon the Mulu Izi.
o o o o o 26 When the Mulu A and the Mulu Izi fell upon one another,
the Gods saw and knew there would be no peace. and they knew the Mulu A were in league with the First Brood.
o o o o o 27 The gods came to council yet again. The Enlil spoke saying,"There will be no peace and the
First Brood are in league with the Mulu A."
o o o o o 28 The Gods knew the words of the Enlil were
truth, and they hardened their hearts against the Mulu A and the First Brood.
o o o o o 29 They
sent the Ninib to the Mulu Izi and he blessed them saying, "The Gods have hardened their hearts against the Mulu A and
the First Brood, defeat the Mulu A and drive them north out of the Edin."
o o o o 30 The Mulu
Izi rose up to drive the Mulu A out of the Edin, but the Mulu A were empowered by the First Brood and would not be moved,
War raged between them for one thousand years, but in the end the Mulu A were driven north till they were no more.
tebu utu o o o o
o o 1 When the Mulu A had fallen, peace returned to the Edin.
o 2 The Mulu Izi had multiplied their numbers, and spread far and wide. The Mulu A perished but did not die,
Rather as they were defeated, the living were spared, and the blood of the Mulu A joined the blood of the Mulu Izi.
The Mulu A perished, but their blood adapted and followed.
o o o o 3 Now it was seen by the Eternals that
all was not well. The blood of Kingu lived on in the Mulu Izi, and it was decided that rules should be ordained to
govern the Covenant of the First Brood.
o o o 4 Like wise it was decided that the Mulu Izi should grow in
wisdom and strength. The Eternals set a priesthood among the Mulu Izi to be intercessors between the Eternals and
the Mulu Izi. A divination was cast in the sands of the earth and it was proclaimed thus:
o o o 5 From
the days of the first rites it shall be thus, the ordained shall sanctify the temple and command the sacred space. The
Mulu Izi are the ordained The Mulu Izi shall set them selves a kingdom that they might leave behind the realms of
powerlessness and Judgment. Let them eat of the bread of life and sup at the cup of wonder.
o o 6 Let
them bath in the waters of Enki, let them lay their heads in the pure lap of Ishtar and be blessed.
o o o
o o o 7 With their left hand let them wield the savage darkness, and with their right hand let the wield the healing
o o o o o 8 Let the Mulu Izi be mortal and rut as the beast of the field, Let them be Elemental
and know the mind that governs it own thoughts, Let them be Eternal for they are infant gods.
o o o o
o 9 The Mulu Ki fell, the Mulu A fell, the Mulu Izi will fall. the Mulu Anu will rise
o o o o 10
These things will mark the time of the Mulu Anu
o o o o o 11 The cup bearer will become the True King,
the Mad king shall wash away the Gate of the Gods
o o o o 12 The Eternals will sleep 1000 years and
the tablet of fate will be forgotten by all save a few.
o o o o 13 The Mulu Izi will fly without wings
of their own.
o o o 14 The Mulu Izi will touch the face of the moon and it will not smite them.
o o o o o o o 15 The Mulu Izi will forget Azag, Kingu and Lamashtu, and find them in the outer darkness
with their own eyes.
o o o o o o o 16 The Mulu Izi will gather into two forces to battle in a war
of all nations.
o o o o o o o 17 The Battle of the World will herald the coming of the evil king
and his minions will bear the twin lightening bolts.
o o o o o o 18 The evil king will offer up
an entire people to the fallen gods, and stretch his shadow over the land
o o o o o o o 19 The
Mulu Izi will gather yet again into two forces to battle him and his allies.
o o o o o o 20 The
Mulu Izi will defeat the Evil King and form a tribunal of nations that he never be reborn.
o o o o o
o 21 The Elementals will walk the land in freedom and might.
o o o o o 22 Then shall the keepers
of secrets find again the tablet of fate.
o o o o o o o 23 Verily the greatest works of man will harness
it as a ox.
o o o o o o 24 Then shall the tablet be awakened, and the Mulu Anu will rise.
o o o o o 25 Even as the Mulu Ki were the stone of the altar.
o o o o o 26 Even as
the Mulu A were the oil of the lamp.
o o o o o o 27 Even as the Mulu Izi are the flame.
o o o o 28 So shall the Mulu Anu be the good smell of the smoke and light of the lamp.
o o
o o o 29 Let the light reign supreme for ever and ever, by the decree of the great gods.
o o o
o 30 Kakkamu!