The word sabian has been much bandied about but ask anyone who the Sabians were,
and if you get an answer at all, you will get various answers like these;
chaldean astrologers a group named in
the Koran as being a class unto themselves that are allowed into heaven even though they are not Muslim a reconstructive
society of astrologers that are based in CA. and more recently the practitioners of planetary worship that based themselves
in the temples of Haran in Syria
It is this last notion that concearns us here. One of aspects of the datu's path,
is that they were at times forced undergroud
Certain places like Haran and Septimia were havens for the datu and for
other nonchristian faith that were ducking persecution.These faiths had a fierce love of their teachings and so many pieces
of knowledge were held on to in secretas a means insureing survival of traditions. Occationaly information will be lost to
others but remain intact within a secret tradition. That is the case here in reguards to the Sabians. With out further ado
let the truth be known.
The word Sabian comes from the akkadian 'sha bitum' meaning 'of the Tablet', the Word Sabian
is a Aramaic adaptation of these words (based on sound not definition) these priests worshiped the celestial bodys of the
heavens and held on to their ways untill the sack of Haran by the Turks. The Sabian priests were the devoties of the path
of enlightenment and salvation through the traditional planets and most importantly through the moon god SIn / Zuen. The
association of Haran with the God Sin was very ancient at the time of the Datus birth. Haran was a crossroads for the many
lands and it had been the home of the temple of Sin for ages.
How is it that this Sabian tradition, the way of the
Sha Bitim has endured through the Datu tradition? It is because Haran and SIN / Zuen were very important to the roots of the
Datu tradition. Why? Well that is an answer that involves Sharrukin himself and his mother. When sharrukin took the
name sharrukin he was taking on the name of a legend, Sargon of Akkad. Sargon the first had been a devotee of Sin and set
his daughter edhunnuna (the first known named author) as the preistess of the temple of Sin, at this time Haran just as important
to Sin as it was in Sharrukins time. His mother, already a fierce devotee to the moon and all that it represented, took refuge
at the temple of sin when deposed by her husband (sharrukin's father) Just as Sargon came to his throne by taking it back
from an usurper, sharrukin did as well. Just as Sargon was helped in this quest by a priestess of the moon, so was Sharrukin.
And just as Sargon, Sharrukin was dependant on the cooperation of the priests of Sin in Haran for continued assistance.
great god Sin was the all encompassing connection point for nearly every institution there was in Sharrukin's time.
keeping and seasonal changes were tracked by the moon's Manzarru or Mansions, these 28 segments of the sky were the places
that the moon resided in eatch night as a month went by. These positions were noted by the stars that made a back drop to
the night sky. it was known what time passes because the moon moved about one full width of the moon in an hour, the new moon
rose at dawn, the first quarter at noon etc. In order to track the moons location, the stars were grouped into Asterisms,
groups of stars that are distinct from each other. these asterisms were built into constelations. In order to descripe the
locations of the stars (for they moved in a rotation as well) the sky was devided into three great bands or ways. the
way of enki in the south, anu in the arc from east to est directly up, and the way of enlil in the north.
the day
was based on the moon and it's mansion the mansion was bases on the location of the stars the stars were located in
the various bands. all this was devided into eight segments or 'spheres' each attributed to an astral (planetary) diety.
the menstral cycle: The year was a feminin year composed of 13 menstral months, each menstral month of a full
cycle through the mansions and the moons eight phases (again one attributed to each of the astral dieties) the dropping
of the thirteenth month and the constellation 'ophicus' as its portion of the sky, came in the later dodecad system of twelve
houses. these houses being of a solar orugin are not as fully in sinc with the woman's menstrus.
inana (venus): venus
is a planet that displays crecent horns just like the moon, it is the brightest object in the sky after sun and moon. In the
ancient days of physical (obsevational) astronomy, the air was so clean that you could see the crecent of venus with the naked
eye. it was quite obvious that 'she' was the daughter or consort of the moon. The nuber fifteen (her number by tradition)
was based on the fullmoon, the fifteenth Manzarru. This is important because fifteen is 3 X 5. 3 is ofcourse the great gods
Enki, Enlil, and Anu. 5 is the mystery number of venus because when men did not know that the morning and evening appearences
of venus were the same 'star'. the morning star had a cycle of fifths and so did the evening star.eventualy it was seen that
venus actualy funcioned in a cycle of eighths, thus again linking the eight 2X5=15 3X15=45 (the number of degrees
in one of the celestial eighths.
Justice, protection and truth: Sin / nanna / zuen was the god of justice and
truth, he was the compationate one that sent forth the heat of the day in favor of the cool night. He was but a stones throw
away in the sky and so like the sun was of vast daily impact. Sin was said to be capable of driving away any night creature
that asailed you.
in all Sin wrapped together the land, the people, the king and his responcibilities as one.