At this point, it should be obvious that each chapter of the creation myth is composed of thirty stanza that
are numbered according to the Tablet. It is also at this point that the reader should be familiar enough with the figures
to know that single dots align under the center of the dual dots. The reader will note that each level in a tablet figure
is preceeded by a period. These periods are to help the figure align correctly and should be concidered to be invisible and
unimportant. Only the sets of double and single dots make the figure. from this point on the periods are not in place.
It is hoped that the student will still recognise the figures even though the single dots are left aligned. (this will be
remedied slowly as time permits)
katu nanna o o o o o o o
o o 1 Katuallu was sore afraid and she drew her minions
with her, and left the Firmerments, But the hair of Babilani balked them. So it was that they arrayed themselves for
battle amid the remains of AZAG, and the children of Babilani left also the Firmerments they arrayed themselves thusly;
o 2 Addi stood at the center and shone with light,
o o o o 3 Nahash moved about Addi and wove
spells of light.
o o o 4 Ashdar moved about Addi and Nahash and she was red with wrath.
o o o
5 Naphish held close to the firmerment and wove magics that the Mulu Ki would have respite from the rigors of battle.
o o 6 Chemosh put himself next between the Firmerment and the First Brood, and he swung his mace before
o o o o o o 7 Nechar moved him forth amongst the First Brood that he could reach Katuallu and
her allies.
o o o o o 8 The Unmaker stood before Neschar and blew a blast upon the horn of Despair.
o o o o o 9 The First Brood roared forth their defiance, and charged upon the children of Babilani.
o o o o 10 Mighty Chemosh layed about himself and slew the First Brood by the thousands, so many were
the bodies of the First Brood that they piled high in a great circular wall that was between him and Nechar.
o o o o 11 None was there to be of help to Nechar save Shanhuth who was with him and Chemosh feared him lost.
o o o o 12 It came to pass that Shanhuth held at bay the might of Mummu and Kingu though he was sore
o o o o 13 Katuallu surged forward to slay Nechar for she thought him lost, and she roared
out her victory.
o o o 14 Katuallu assaulted Nechar with great wrath, but the light of Joy blinded
her and the armor of Love balked her.
o o o o o o o o 15 The Enki whispered then into the ear of Nechar
a cunning plan, Nechar flung the net of Frustration over Katuallu and bound her up in the midst of her wrath
o o o o o o 16 Nechar loosed the wind of Fear down her throat and she was bloated with terror.
o o o o o o 17 Then it was that Nechar shot the arrow of Courage down the throat of Katuallu and she was
burst asunder and died.
o o o o o o 18 At the noise of her death throes, all the battle ceased, and
the remainder of the First Brood looked upon her with dismay, for they thought her invincible.
o o o o
o o o 19 The First Brood cast down their wrath and surrendered themselves up to the children of Babilani.
o o o o o 20 And Addi cried forth in joy and called Nechar the ' Enlil ' (king of the winds),
o o o o o 21 The Enlil cut the right hand from Katuallu and cast her body and her hand to the outer darkness
where it resides still.
o o o o o 22 Nechar the great Enlil, cut Mumu in twain like a shell fish and
called his brother Nahash, so that Nahash and Ea should apply their cunning and make use of it,
o o o o o
o o 23 Part of Mummu was used to rebuild the Firmerment that the First Brood had consumed.
o o o o
o o 24 Part of her was used to rebuild the heavens that had been rent in the battle.
o o o o o
o 25 Like wise was Kingu slain, and his blood drained that he should rise not. The body of Kingu was cast out, near
as far as Katuallu, and with him were his eight servants.
o o o o o 26 The blood of Kingu was
used by Nahash to reform the Mulu Ki, and he called them children of the Water, because they would follow and adapt.
o o o o o 27 The parts of AZAG's body, one great and fifteen small were left were they lay beyond the
place of Shanhuth that AZAG might be watched.
o o o o o 28 Though the lesser of the elementals were
spared, the greater of the First Brood were slain, even to the last of them, but their spirits could not be slain
and so they were bound in the Apsu and are now dead but dreaming.
o o o o o 29 The Enlil made
this covenant that the First Brood should repay their misdeeds; 'Elementals shall serve mortals in the name of the Eternals
till time ends and love dies. '. and he set the Enki as the master over the elementals of the Apsu.
o o o
o 30 And it came to pass that the Enlil set to order all that was in disarray about him and he had Nahash write
the covenant upon a tablet, The enlil named his brother Ninib that he should be the scribe of the gods, and the Enlil
wore it about his neck because he was king among the seven gods, .
tebu nanna o o o o o o
o o 1 Now the great battle was ended but all was not well.
The essence of Azag had permiated through out all things, and his cold was upon the firmerments and in the void between the
o 2 Now it came to pass that the Mulu A multiplied greatly. They lived in caves for the cold of AZAG
pressed them sorely
o o o o 3 The children of Babilani sought to subdue the cold of AZAG but each time
they drove it back, the cold returned as fiercely.
o o o 4 Three times the cold of AZAG was driven back, but
each time it returned, and each time the efforts of the Children had to be doubled.
o o o 5 Now it came
to pass that the fourth time the cold returned, the children of Babilani were sore pressed and were too intent upon their
works, to heed the cries of the Mulu A.
o o 6 The Mulu A knew their prays were unheard, and they thought
themselves rebuked.
o o o o o o 7 It came to pass that the lesser spirits of the elementals were yet
aware, and the Mulu A fell to worshiping them in return for magic and fire.
o o o o o 8 Because the
covenant made it so, the elementals granted power to the Mulu A.
o o o o o 9 In time the Mulu A held
power enough, that they could call unto the children of Babilani, and they could not be ignored.
o o o o
10 Ashdar came to them and spoke asking. "Who has gathered power thus, that I cannot turn my ears away?'
o o o o 11 The sorcerers cried out, "We starve o' queen of heaven. We cry out and are rebuked. You do not
love us and so we die of AZAG's cold! Only the fires of the First Brood save us."
o o o o 12 Ashdar
spoke saying, "Who stayed the hand of Chemosh? Who ? Who called you children and choose you? Who? Who did you name Queen
of heaven?" and she showed them the love she had of them, and it shown like a burning light and it warmed them.
o o o 13 The Mulu A lowered their eyes and said, "You my Queen."
o o o 14 Ashdar looked upon
them and smiled saying, "Mu ashta za e. (my heart is yours), I will not forsake you, for I love you." and Ashdar warmed
them with her heart and then went forth to bring news to her kindred.
o o o o o o o o 15 Ashdar
went before her family and made obeisance to them.
o o o o o o o 16 The Enlil spoke saying, "Rise
queen of heaven, you need not bow before your servant."
o o o o o o o 17 Ashdar rose and spoke
thusly, "The Mulu A die in the cold of AZAG, They are discontent and move the spirits of the First Brood that they would
have fires."
o o o o o o 18 The Enlil creased his brow and spoke saying, "The cold of Azag is
upon the land and it busies us greivously."
o o o o o o o 19 The Ashdar said, "I have given them
my love that they would be warmed at heart, but we must save them."
o o o o o o 20 The Enki rose
up and opened his word, "In the south there is warmth and life, in that place the Mulu A would not perish."
o o o o o 21 The Enlil stretched out his awareness and looked upon the south were the cold of Azag was
no longer mighty. He saw that there could be a place of saftey made there.
o o o o o 22 The Enki
spoke thus, "In the South are two rivers that flow from the waters of my heart, I will make a place between them that
will be a haven to the Mulu A. Send the Mulu A to this Edin and they will thrive."
o o o o o o o 23
The Enlil was pleased and said, "Let it be so."
o o o o o o 24 Ashdar creased her brow and spoke saying,
"But, what of our duty to the Mulu A? Even should they pass to the Edin, how shall we drive back the cold of Azag
and yet searve the needs of the Mulu A?, We are too few."
o o o o o o 25 The gods thought long and
hard seeking an answer but were vexed,
o o o o o 26 Nahash said, "We are too few and our works keep
us distant from the Mulu A, If we would fulfill our vow to them, we must swell our numbers, and close the distance
between us and them.".
o o o o o o 27 The Enlil saw that Nahash spoke truth, and decreed that it be
so saying, "Let us make children of our kind that our burden may be lessened. Selah!"
o o o o o
28. Enki spoke saying, "The balance of heaven and earth is ill set, the First Brood stood between the Gods and the
Mulu A, now the First Brood are no more, and a great space is opened between the heavens and the earth. There must be
a middle between the heavens and the earth, the young gods will still be gods. How will we meet the balance? If the
Mulu A searve the spirits of the First Brood, there will be greivous trouble."
o o o o o 29 .The
Enki said, "All things have oposites, where opposites meet there is an edge of tention. In the edge of tention lies the
greatest potential, let the heavans and the earth unite, take husbands and wives from among the Mulu A and make children
with them, they will be children of the edge of tention, and fill the gap between heaven and earth."
o o o
o 30 The great gods pondered this and it was seen to be truth, and they spoke with one voice saying, "So be it."
katu inanna o o o o o o
o o 1 It was decided in the council of gods, that the
gods would increase their number, and that the distance between the mortals and the Eternals should be narrowed. Also
was it decided, that in order that they should escape the cold of Azag, the Mulu A should go south to the Edin (land between
the rivers) that The Enki would make in preparation for them,
o 2 Ashdar went before the Mulu A and spoke this
o o o o 3 'Go you forth to the south were there is Edin that the Enki has made, then We shall
choose from among you Wives and Husbands that shall be intercessors between us. We will lay with them that we might beget
children of both our blood and yours., they will be mortal, elemental, and Eternal.'
o o o 4 The Mulu
A went South to the Edin and when they had moved there, the children of Babilani wed themselves to priests and preistessess,
they lay with the Mulu A, according to their decree, and there were offspring..
o o o 5 Now the offspring
of the Eternals and the Mulu A were not like the Eternals nor were they like the Mulu A.
o o 6 They were
called the Mulu Izi (children of the fire), for they learned to summon fire by themselves,
o o o o o o
7 The Mulu Izi were tall, mighty, and hansom to look upon. Each of the new Breed had Me (gifts) such as the Eternals
had, yet they were mortal like the Mulu A They were sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, cousin and kin to Mulu
A and God alike.
o o o o o 8 It came to pass that The children of Babilani laid down amongst them
selves and beget progeny, there were sixteen of them and they were gods as the children of Babilani were.
o o
o o o 9 The sixteen were named thusly
o o o o 10 Ereshkigal queen of the dead,
o o
o o o 11 Adad the healer, lord of thunder
o o o o 12 Girra lord of the flames
o o
o o 13 Ninlil the giver of kingship
o o o 14 Nergal the warrior
o o o o o o o
o 15 Ninghizhida vizier of the underworld
o o o o o o o 16 Kashi keeper of drink and the new wine
untouched by human hands.
o o o o o o o 17 Namtar keeper of the fates.
o o o o o o
18 Nusku lord of the lamp
o o o o o o o 19 Arusu the keeper of child birth
o o o o
o o 20 Ningal lady of dreams
o o o o o o 21 Meslamta Ea the right guard of the gate
o o o o 22 Buzur solver of secrets- lord of the deep mines
o o o o o o o 23 Lugal
Irra the left guard of the gate
o o o o o o 24 .Latarik of the whip chastiser of elemntals.
o o o o o 25 Sagimu the invoker
o o o o o 26 The sixteen were the young gods, children
of the elder gods, and they were set free to wander in their innocence.
o o o o o o 27 The Sixteen
gathered in the green places and played in the fields over long.
o o o o o 28 They did not care that
they had purpose and power, .
o o o o o 29 The Sixteen knew Joy in their games and did not wish to
take their places of responcibility.
o o o o 30 They layed with each other and begat 360 gods of light
and 360 gods of darkness.
tebu inanna o o o o o
o o 1 Now it came to pass that the young gods and their children
went to their own places.
o 2 The gods of light played in the fields, but the gods of darkness hid themselves
because they were shunned by the gods of light.
o o o o 3 The gods of light entered the places of the Mulu
Izi and treated with them as cousins because they were of the same generation.
o o o 4 The gods of darkness
shunned the places of the Mulu Izi because they knew the gods of light abided there
o o o 5. The gods of darkness
fled to the twilight places and were frightened and sorrowed.
o o 6. There in the twilight they found companionship
with children of the first brood.
o o o o o o 7. The gods of darkness knew anger in their hearts because
they had been shunned.
o o o o o 8. The gods of darkness lost their innocence and found their me, they
summoned their might and thought of vengence.
o o o o o 9. The gods of darkness bent their power upon
the elementals and made them mighty like their predeseccors.
o o o o 10. The Elementals grew in power
and they were as storms and floods and the quakeing of the earth.
o o o o o 11 When they were prepared,
the gods of darkness moved forward with the twilight towards the places of the gods of light. The storms and the quakeing
of the earth preceded them, and Enki saw them comeing.
o o o o 12. Now there was one amongst the gods
of light that did not shine like his fellows, he was called Ninghizhida and he was secretive and cunning.
o o
o o 13 Enki came to him and sat beside im saying, "I must rest myself for a moment for I rush to Enlil to warn of
the Gods of Darkness. They come with the elementals to make war upon the gods of light. Warn your kindred!" Then Enki fled.
o o o 14. Ninghizhida grinned and his innocence was lost, he rose up and fled towards the approaching
darkness. Ninghizhida thougt to betray the gods of light that he could join with the gods of darkness and become mighty amongst
o o o o o o o o 15. Now it came to pass that Ereshkigal wandered in the field, she was courious
of the dark and watched its approach.
o o o o o o o 16. Ereshkigal saw Ninghizhida as he fled towards
the darkness, she grew courious and followed him.
o o o o o o o 17. When Ereshkigal came upon the
darkness she saw the gods of darkness and knew them, she saw that they had lost their innocence and taken up their me,
she saw the pain within them and hurt with them.
o o o o o o 18 Ereshkigal rose up and walked before
them saying, I see your pain and suffer with you let me help you that both our suffering be eased.
o o o o
o o o 19. Ninghizhida sprang from the shadows and cryed, No! She is a daughter of light, only I am like you. I will
take you to the gods of light that you may take them in their sleep.
o o o o o o 20 It was then in
the understanding of betrayal and pain, that Ereshkigal lost her innocence and her me came upon her.
o o o o
o o 21. She turned to the gods of darkness and gave them her light that they would know her love, she became as the
best amongst them and they loved her.
o o o o o 22. Ereshkigal spoke to the gods of darkness saying,
I will take the darkness by the hand and lead you into the underground that you might be home.
o o o o o o
o 23. She rose up and turned upon Ninghizhida, she bent him to her will and fettered him that the gods could judge him.
o o o o o o 24. The Elder gods named Ereshkigal queen of the underwold, and set her throne with Adars
o o o o o o 25. Ninghizhidas light was taken from him and he was bound to the service of
the underwold, bells were set upon him and he was assigned to be messanger between the dark and the light.
o o
o o o 26. Enki went before the rebellious elementals that had grown strong
o o o o o o 27.
Each in turn was judged according to its strength and set in a place of service.
o o o o o 28. Two
Hundred and thirty two elementals were bound by the judgement of Enki
o o o o o 29. The gods of light
were gathered together and all was laid before them.
o o o o 30. When the gods of light saw all that
had taken place, they knew that it was time to take their places. They went forth and each lost their inoccence and gained
their me.