The world outside of us is the existence in which we live,
or the collective reality. All that we think, feel and beleive manifests in this outer dreaming as reflections of the inner
dreaming. The inner dreaming is attached to our center, our awareness. The inner dreaming, the world within us, is vastly
greater, and more accessable than the world outside us. In the Inner dreaming we can travel to places, real or theoretical,
in any point in time or space, in an instant of contemplation. We can opperate completely free of any other influence;
and are thus able to create actions in the outer dreaming that are novel and revolutionary. In the inner dreaming
we can hold our secrets fast; think, feel, or believe anything we choose. We can root ourself in a child-like wonder that
sees each moment as a moment of discovery.
The outer dreaming, being a reflection of the inner dreaming, is utterly unique to each individual. Every
aspect of the outer dreaming that a person exsperiences is untouchable to any other entity. Another entity can empathize with
your universe, they can learn large amounts of relevant data about your universe, they can even stand in an identical point
of perspective; but they cannot take your place at your center. Like wise the inner dreaming is utterly unique and individual.
The circumferenece or outer dreaming is limiting and defining; it uses the power of paradox to limit our
actions and wishes. Paradox is the hard edged limiting parameters of the awarenesse and experiances of others (the rules created
by the collective unconscious). Paradox dictates that you can't vanish in a puff of smoke nor walk on water under normal understandable
circumstances. It tells us that magic is false, that wishes don't come true, that the gods are dead or never were. The outer
dreaming tells us that we cannot fly beyond our limits. It pushes us with the notions that we are bound by gravity and fate,
and unable to become free of those influences. In short the outer-dreaming instigates a set of 'blinders' that narrow our
perspective. It implements rules of existence that seem unbreakable. The outer-dreaming instigates taboos over activities
that stretch the boundries of the safety net that the psyche uses to feel safe and sound. The outer-dreaming is a place of
stimulus that begs a patterned responce based on limits set by our experiences in the outer dreaming.
The inner dreaming is the birth place of the patterned responses, and it tends to forget that the patterns that
it produces are boundless and infinitly mutable. Humans have a tendency to find a working pattern in responce to a repeated
stimulus. Once the pattern is found we become reliant on that pattern and obeidient to the stimulus. Instead of presenting
a familiar, time worn response, we could choose to look at the motion that is in front of us and choose a pattern that freely
exspesses one's individuality and common sence. This forgotten freedom of expression buys into the aparent limitations of
the outer dreaming. The acceptence of the limits and inevitabilities of the outer dreaming, allow us to convince ourselves
that we are unable to change the outer dreaming.
The Datu know that the outer-dreaming is far more mutable than is evident. While paradox tends to limit the
generation of certain patterns (invisibility, levitation, godzilla, ect.), the manifestations that commonly apear in the outer
dreaming are highly sensitive to oblique manipulation; and a solid understanding of the inner dreaming educates the Datu in
the methods of oblique manipulation that circumvent paradox.
Knowledge of the outer dreaming is EXOTERIC or outer knowledge; while knowledge of the inner dreaming
is ESOTERIC. The entire purpose of esoteric systems of knowledge is the cultivation of new and unique perspectives that assist
in the freedom from or manipulation of exoteric factors.
The commonly accepted definition of magick used by many current occultists is, ' To make changes in one's
eviroment in accordence with the will'. By this definition, every action of free will is an act of magick (note the 'k', it
is used by many modern authors to differentiate the esoteric from the methods of slight of hand).
Exoteric philosophies are approaches that attempt to use overt manipulation and altered states of existence
to create exoteric Magick (enviromental changes explainable by common means or understanding). Esoteric philosphies are generaly
complex approaches that seek to use altered states of awareness (ritual, breath excercises, ethnogens, divination, ect. )
to create esoteric Magick (changes unexplainable outside of ritual language or mystical perspectives that appear to have oblique
effects on the inner or outer dreaming).
The Datu's system is a balanced mix of esoteric and exoteric understanding of both the inner and outer dreaming.
It promotes self reliant, mature oneness of motion. It promotes the adult perspective tempered by child-like wonder. And it
encourages the unification and empowerment of all three selves.
Each of the figures of the tablet of fate, have a trial or initiation associated with it. The purpose of these
trials is the aquisition of the Me, the divine gifts of common sence that function both esoterically and exoterically.
Within the structure of cerimonial magick, we perform certain ritual acts the 'commemorate' the first fourteen
0. The Temple is cleaned, all is dark and silent.
1. The Priest/ess baths and is anointed with oil. All trappings are cleaned. The priest/ess enters The Temple
with a small mundane light. The altar is set, the food offerings and the wet offerings are placed, and all is silent
and still.
00. Blessing of the altar and trappings. Blessing of the food offerings. Casting of Zissuru (flour circle)
if for magic.
01. Asperging of the space; the libation (wet offering).
02. The lighting of the lamp; the burnt offering (incence).
03. Suffumigation and ringing of bells: "goleth grund sak".
000. Offerings from those who remember and the opening of the watch towers.
001. Statement of authority and the hearing of grievances.
002. Statement of intent and the unification of desire.
003. The words of Ea-Enki; the invocation of the gods; the petitions/vows; the mundane weddings (ninki).
004. Acts of magic, divination, thaumateurgy, and invocation of elemental geniuses/ intermediary gods (ninghizhida).
005. Sacred weddings, cosmic dramas, initiatory experiences, and audiences.
006. Theurgy, reconciliation of opposites, trial by fear, and the initiatory journey.
007. Illumination, return of/to the light, feasting, and the banishing of the circle.