The lowerself takes in information through the five senses. The information
is translated and sent to the conscious sense of awareness, the sense of "I". The middle self is our mental interface with
the world around us. The lowerself takes it's basic level of Zi and transmutes it to the level of life force used by the sense
of 'I' (the Zini). This middle Zi is the Zi that is used in waking daily communication with the world around us. It is the
carrier of thought and emotion to others.
The sense of 'I' is composed of the left brain logical functions and the right brain
intuitive functions; the middle self is centered in the head from a perceptional standpoint and is the center of the short-term
memory. The lines of communication that are used to send perceptual information from the five senses also allow the sending
of images and intuitive sensations from the subconscious to the left and right brain.
The middle self takes in and processes ideas via a system of polar opposition. When,
for instance, the concept of height is encountered, the middle self seeks within its net of experience to find a polar opposite
(in this case depth). The opposing pole that is encountered causes a more thorough understanding of the concept taken in.
The middle self uses the opposing pole to make a comparative measurment of the phenomenon that is perceived.
The reconciliation of polar opposites brings knowledge, and it is the Zini that is used
to reconcile opposites. The zini is released to the middle self via thought, emotion, and communication at a middle self
level such as speech or sign language.
The bipolar perspective of the middle self causes a very subtle level of dissonance when
we attempt to focus on a given task. We can take the task of trying to hold a single thought in the mind's eye. Initially
the attempt to hold a single thought will in and of itself generate a thought of holding the single thought. This in turn
will generate the polar opposite of failure to hold only the initial thought and that thought actually interfere with the
The saving grace for the adept is, "that the lower self has a single point perspective
that can be utilized to create a one pointed drive towards a given task." Thus communication between the lower and middle
selves facilitates the ability to turn a task over to the lowerself for completion--because the middleself is the root point
of initiation for the Gishur, while the lowerself is the completer of the Gishur.
While the middle self can communicate to the lowerself, it cannot communicate to the higherself
without difficulty. This is due to the tremendous effects of the higher self's level of Zi on the middle self. When the higher
self sends a dose of Zimelam to the middle self, the middle self's faculties become impaired and subdued, and the lowerself
and middleself in conjunction enter a state of rapture, a fit of spiritual ecstasy accompanied by physical sensations of an
overwhelming nature. This state of gnosis (complete knowledge) with the higher self must be met slowly in a step by step fashion
till one can attain this state safely. The primary method used by the adept to gain this knowledge of the guardian self is
to learn increasingly potent forms of awareness that acclimate the middle self to the highest forms of inner communication.
The lowerself is composed of the body, the subconscious, and the long term memories. The lowerself
is responsible for all the autonomic functions such as breathing, pulse and metabolism; and is also responsible for all the
Zi that is taken in by the body. The lowerself takes in the Melam in the form of Zi via breath, the digestion of food, and
when we interact with others on a physical level. The Zi utilized by the lowerself, can be altered at the vibratory level
by the lowerself, in order to vibrate at the levels of the other two selves.
The energy body that the lower self possesses overlaps the physical body and is perceivable via the exercises
given above. This subtle body can extend it's self beyond the physical form in order to deliver Zi to the body of another
either to heal or to cause harm as in our form of martial arts (Tibir).
Whenever we touch an object or perceive it through one of the other five senses, we make a permanent shadow connection
to that thing; thus the more contact we have with something, the more powerful the connection is. This shadow level connection
can be used to receive information, and also to transmit information to the object; and via this connection the subconscious
reads much more from the environment than is consciously perceived. Some of this perception is transmitted to the right brain
in the form of intuition and feelings.
The subconscious can communicate to both the conscious and the super conscious, and if this communication
is engaged, nurtured, and strengthened it allows all the parts to evolve in unison.
When one person's lower self communicates with another person's lower self, it does so via the shadow connection;
but it also communicates via subtle or extreme body language such as facial expression, posture, 'wordless sounds', and pheromones.
The lowerself functions much like a computer: in that it carries on the autonomic functions of the body,
such as heart beat, respiration, the blink reflex, etc. It is the part of us that remains 'conscious' while our minds sleep.
It is the seat of the somatic reflexes (pleasure, pain, elation, and depression).
The lower self acts as a universal recorder, filing away everything that we perceive both consciously and
All the emotions that we feel, originate in the body; and therefore, are part and parcel with the lowerself.
The emotions act as a language for the lowerself. Sometimes the emotions are the lowerself's exspression of the middle self's
state, but more often the emotions are due to the lowerself's condition.
The harmonic unison of the lowerself, gives it a uni-directional approach to the world around it. This single
mindedness allows the lower self to relentlessly pursue it's goals without distraction or division.
Higher Self:
There is a third portion of the adept that exists outside of the body;
above and behind the overlapping subtle bodies and physical bodies of the middle and lower selves. This third self is composed
of equal portions of the male and female chaos energies of the Melam. The dual energies of the higher self are so well integrated,
that there is no level of separateness between them.
This higher self has a sentient awareness, but it does not view or interact with the
world the same way as the middle or lowerselves. The higher self does not have the driving obsession over power and position
in the physical realm that the instinct driven lower self and the interactive-cognitive middle self does. Rather, the higher
self is in a constant level of communication with the Melam level of energy, and senses the middle and lower self-connection
to the material world. The higher self uses the Melam to manifest the Gishur, that the middle and lower selves need and/or
The higher self can be seen as a guardian spirit, or as loving parents that are concerned
with the well being of the whole self. A more thorough view of the higher self is as a godling, an infant deity that has been
granted a series of divine attributes or me (may). In the Sumerian traditions, each person had a personal god or goddess that
was the patron/ess and protector/ess.
The higherself exercises a level of Zi called the Zi-melam. The Zimelam is the fulcrum
energy of the me (may). The me are the core powers that are the most direct affector of environmental changes both subtle
and gross.
The me interact with the Gishur. The Gishur are manifested by the higherself when the
higher self accesses the me that are within its possession.
As already stated above, the higherself can communicate to the lower self but is impaired
in its communication with the middle self due to the middle self's limitations. This fact forces us as adepts to find a means
to communicate with the higher self that circumvents the 'gap' between middle and higherselves; and the answer to this quandary
is the lower self.