The sign of the elementals is the inverted pentagram Enlil as champion.. Elementals
do not possess physical form so instead occupy the material (and occasionally living) forms of the universe around them. They
may exist on the simplest level as the energies that motivate change such as fire and light but of more interest to the adept
are those that have an independent senscient existence in the form of spirits and semi divine beings such as demons and angels.
While Elementals can cease to exist, they do not as a rule experience the five fold physical cycle of life that was introduced
above. It should also be evident that many of these elemental beings attach themselves to the energy sources that propagate
them and are often as a result of this connection accessible to or predatory to the adept.

The sign of the Mortals is the upright pentagram. This is the pentagram of the five fold cycle.
Mortals are distinguished by a common five-fold life cycle that motivates and limits the mortal existence. The five
steps of the mortal existence are birth, growth, consummation (initiation), repose and death.

The sign of the Eternals THE EIGHT RAYED STAR The Eternals are those beings that we
call gods. The gods are beings that exist independently of the four building blocks of the physical universe. They are not
bound by the essentials of space, time, mass, and energy.