If a philosophical structure is an unreachable goal, or if it's
teachings do not help us every day, then that system is of no worth. It is believed by the Datu, that any system should be
demonstatable in the world at large.
The information in the Tablet of Fate is accessible via common physical systems. In other words: "It is possible
to investigate the basic meanings of the figures via simple physical models. One of the easiest physical models to study is
the pendulum. The pendulum swinging in a left to right to left to right cycle, has the principles of altitude and
velocity interacting in a mutually exclusive manner. In the left to right to left to right pattern of a pendulum,
any increase of velocity is due to a decrease in altitude and vice versa. The pendulum begins at one extreme (either left
or right), and swings downward picking up velocity as it loses altitude. As the pendulum passes the center of the arc (it's
lowest point and greatest velocity), it begins to pick up altitude and lose velocity. It continues to rise till it comes to
a moment of stillness at the opposite extreme, just before it begins to descend and pick up speed again.
As already noted, the figures on the tablet of fate represent combinations of the numbers "zero" and "one", or "katu"
and "tebu."
There are four ways in which zero and one can combine: 00, 01, 10, 11. These combinations of minimum and maximum
can be demonstrated via the use of the pendulum.
The twin polarities represent the dualistic principles at work in
the pendulum (left / right, or altitude / velocity). The sign of one dot "o" represents the concept of maximum, and the sign
of two dots "o o" is the concept of minimum. The figures of the four currents represent the combinations of the principles.
To ascertain what these combinations mean, we need a way to arrange them. Let us take a look at the mutualy exclusive polarities
of height and velocity: "how do we attribute them?"
.o o .o o
This is the figure of earth. Given that the figure has two levels (top and bottom), one level will be altitude and one
will be velocity. We will follow common sense and attribute height to the top level (because it is the highest),
and velocity to the lower level (because the pendulum increases in velocity as it descends). The dual
dots represent minimum; and the single dot represents maximum. Thus the figure for earth would represent: .o o minimum
height .o o minimum velocity
If both these conditions are met, the pendulum would be hanging straight down and would be completely still. Thus the
figure represents the concept of stillness (katu + katu/ negative + negative/ oo + oo/ zero + zero = Stillness & Earth).
Potential Combinations of Katu:
The figures of Earth (Ki/Antu) and Water (Enki/Ea), have Katu as their root (bottom or base).
A) Katu-Katu 00 + 00 (zero, zero): Sign of Earth .O O Minimum height (disjunctive) .O O Minimum
velocity (disjunctive)
In this state, the pendulum hangs in the center and is not in motion, thus it is the ME (power or gift) of STILLNESS.
B) Tebu (o)-Katu (oo)= 01: Sign of Water .O O Minimum height (disjunctive) .. O Max velocity
In this state, the pendulum is dead center in it's arc, and it is in full motion. From the point that this pattern
is encountered, the pendulum will be increasing in height and diminishing in velocity. The pattern here is the beginning of
Potential Combinations of Tebu: * Fire (Izi) and Air (An) have Tebu as their root.
* A) Katu (oo)-Tebu (o)= 10: Sign of Fire . .O Maximum height .O O Minimum velocity
In this state, the pendulum is to the extreme left or right, it has come to a point of brief stillness before it
reverses its course. From the point that this pattern is encountered, the pendulum begins it's ACCELERATION.
Tebu (o)-Tebu(o) = 11: Sign of Air . O Maximum height . O Maximum velocity
We have been shown that height and velocity are mutually exclusive to each other if a pendulum is on a common left-right
arc. How then may we reconcile these opposing polarities? The answer is simple: "The system must evolve a step."
If the pendulum would have height and velocity work together, then the pendulum must leave it's limiting left-right arc
and begin to swing in a horizontal circle, in this way any increase or decrease of height will be due to an equal increase
or decrease of velocity. Thus this pattern is only present in Reconciled systems.
Example Of The Four Currents
In Life:
Bob is in love with two women, "Carol and Alice."
Bob has been with Carol a while; but he has known Alice long enough to grow attached to her.
.O O (Katu/Neg/Stagnant)
= Carol (the old the established)
.. O (Tebu/Pos/Change) = alice ( the new and active)
As we know "o o
(Carol)" and "o (Alice)" can combine in four manners:
We will put O O (Carol) on the bottom because she is established
(the base or foundation), and put O (Alice) on top because she is new (something above and reached for).
Alice (o) Bottom: Carol (oo)
Now if Bob tells them about each other (this is the premise of his quandry) one of
four things happens:
1) Double Negative: Alice dumps him = o o Carol dumps him = o o
2) Positive & Negative: Alice dumps him = o o
Carol keeps him = o
3) Negative & Positive: Alice keeps him = o Carol dumps him= o o *
4) Double Positive: :) Alice wants to keep him = o Carol wants to keep him = o * Let us say that
it was the current in the last example:
o o They both want him anyway! (Yeah!)
This pattern (wind) can
manifest in multiple forms such as follows:
. o . o .o o
4A. (Negative Wind = Mercury) They both want him and fear that other will win him (Bob has a choice which is very
good, but he is caught between them which is a lesser bad).
. o . o . o
4B. (Positive Wind = Sun) They decide that everybody is attractive intelligent and sexy, they get together and become
a poly-triad marriage.
Lets say that it is example number two: . o . o . o This pattern (Sun) can
also manifest in mutiple forms:
. o . o . o .o o
4B1(Fire & Air) They spend time together but there is no equal distribution of affection, there is favoritism
and back stabbing, each withdraws into their personal fears.
. o . o . o . o
4B2(Air & Air) At every turn they openly discuss their fears and doubts, their hopes and faith. They settle
each situation that arises in a cooperative manner.
Again this can manifest in various patterns. Lets take example
one (4B1):
. o . o . o .o o
It can manifest thusly:
. o . o . o .o o .o
o 4B1/1(Earth & Sun) Amid all the bickering and games one of them suddenly says to them self, "I don't need this
crap!" and defaults (seperates from the group).
. o . o . o .o o . o 4B1/2(Water & Sun) The
constant war cause people to realize who they care for more and they make alliances with them.
Obviously we could
go on, but this should serve to demonstrate how the patterns of the tablet are used to puzzle out life's many paths. This
can be visualized as a tree from which spring branches, and the branches divide into smaller branches, and from the smaller
branches springs twigs, and from the twigs comes buds, etc... In the same way, the shub (throw) branches out into many possibilities.
Over the years the Datu have used the Methodology applied to the pendulum
in order to investigate the attributions of the elemental current. This is the list:
o o ..............o o.................. o................o o o................o....................o o...............o
-/-................ +/-................ -/+............ +/+
square... v triangle......... ^ triangle.... pillar or line (0) ki......... (1) ea............ (2)
izi.......... (3) an katu/katu... tebu/katu.... katu/tebu....tebu/ tebu
Ochre (br)...Blue...............Red............Yellow E...................A....................I..................U
Taurus...... Scorpio............ Leo.......... Aquarius (aaa-aru)...(girtablili).........(urgallu)........(Apsin)
Stillness... Deceleration...Acceleration...Evolution North...........South............ West........... East Mass............Time............
Energy..........Space Solids......... Liquids......... Plazma.......... Gases Inaction..... Reaction......... Action.......
Interaction Pain......... Depression.......Pleasure....... Elation Hold........... Retreat.......... Attack.........
Evade Safety......... Ecstacy.......... Power......... Genius Stay............ Follow............ Lead......... Wander
Possessions... Lust...............Force........ Obeidience Instinct........ Intuition............ Will............
Thought Patience..... Adaptation...... Passion...... Compassion Stubbornness, Over-reaction, Anger..... understanding
Tranquility... Serenity........... Love............. Joy Stagnation.... Atrophy........ Hunger............ Fear Altar.............
Bowl.............. Lamp............ Bell Fear.............. Clarity........... Power............. Age

The OchreTablet of Ki:
o o o o (0) Ki _ _
The Square Earth Brown (ochre) Taurus (aaa-aru) Stillness North Mass
Solids Inaction Pain Hold (defend) Safety Stay Possessions Sensation Patience Stubbornness
Tranquility Stagnation Altar Pentacles Fear
/e/ pointed at rectangular things like 'house' household;
temple; plot of land
.o o 1. The Writ of Ki, who knew the Me of stillness:
. o
2.This is what Ki knew: One must reside in tranquility, for that which is tranquil has never
been disturbed. Ki is the firmament of Gab (pain), which is the firmament of sensation and matter.
.o o .o o 3.
Never loose the winds unless you can abide with their blowing; for permanence is not in the winds but in the ability to abide
.o o . o 4. That which is still remains still, until stirred by the winds.
. o .o o 5.
That which has no tension has no resolution, for it is resolved and still.
. o . o 6. Stillness is after the
end of influence, and before the beginning of influence.
.o o .o o .o o 7.Stillness is the patience of
substance overcoming the impatience of change.
.o o .o o . o 8. Stillness is tranquil and looks undisturbed.
.o o . o .o o 9. Stillness is an immovable object; it is still because it only moves by choice.
o . o . o 10. life is pain, but pain brings patience and patience brings wisdom. The wolf is very wise
o .o o .o o 11. The wolf hunts in silence, but his joy is cried out to the moon.
. o .o o . o
12.Ki was set as the north pillar of the Firmaments.
. o . o .o o 13. Ki thrived and bore Shedu--who
lived in the firmament of earth.
. o . o . o 14. And the shedu cry there praise to Ki in a song:
o .o o .o o .o o 15. Place of returning, place of reeds,
.o o .o o .o o . o 16. the
hammer of earth, lain down on earth, to make the place of the Shepherdess like a box of stone.
.o o .o o .
o .o o 17. Search , look for water below the stone. In the sleeping place,
.o o .o o . o . o 18.
lie down and rest. Forge the hammer, queen of enchantment.
.o o . o .o o .o o 19. Forge the strength
of the earth, the wings of the earth, the shining place, the mighty reed.
.o o . o .o o . o 20. Distant
champion of the reed, remove the beast below and order the binding of the reed.
.o o . o . o .o o 21.
If they ask 'how?' Speak saying, 'I am, the arm of stone.' If they ask what? Speak saying, 'I am the wings of the hammer,
.o o . o . o . o 22. the distant champion of the hammer, appointing the bond of the hammer, appointing
the fortress of stone.'
. o .o o .o o .o o 23. Lady of the righteous place, lady of the righteous
reeds, lady of the uplifted reed, thou makest a shadow, dark like coal.
. o .o o .o o . o 24. Your
arm waters the earth, the mighty well of earth, your strength is imposed on the earth, to make the mighty place.
o .o o . o .o o 25. The fire lies down to rest, the river pulls out the stone, the lady of the breath of life
rests. The Lady of the uplifted hammer
. o .o o . o . o 26. make the wings lie still. Saying, 'Water
is the milk of the earth, the daily offering, made to the heavens."
. o . o .o o .o o 27. Heaven and
earth, are like the arms of Enki.
. o . o .o o . o 28. In windy places, the winds of earth speak.
. o . o . o .o o 29. 'It is he.' The heavens move above the stone;
. o . o . o .
o 30. the winds rest and the heavens answer.

The Clay Tablet of A:
. o o . o (1) a +_
The Inverted Triangle Water Blue Scorpio (girtablili) Deceleration South Time
Liquids Reaction Depression Retreat Ecstacy Follow Sex/Lust Intuition Adaptation Over
reaction Serenity Atrophy Bowl Cup Clarity a, e4: n., water; watercourse, canal; seminal fluid; offspring;
father; tears; flood. [A archaic frequency: 519] interj., alas!. prep., locative suffix - where; in; when - denotes movement
towards or in favor of a person. def. article, nominalizing suffix for a noun or noun clause, denoting 'the'. : (cf., i).
i, a5, : arm; wing; horn; side; strength; work performance; wages; moment. [A2 archaic frequency: 3] a5: (cf., aka). aka,
ak, ag, a5: to do, act; to place; to make into (something) (with -si-) [AK archaic frequency: 149; concatenates 2 sign variants].
/a/ is 'water, drink', ///n., water; watercourse, canal; seminal fluid; offspring; father; tears; flood. interj., alas!. prep.,
locative suffix - where; in; when - denotes movement towards or in favor of a person. def. article, nominalizing suffix for
a noun or noun clause, denoting 'the'.
.O O 1.The Writ of A, who knew the Me of serenity:
. O 2.
This is what A knew: One must go forth with serenity, for that which is serene will find tranquility. A is the firmament of
Dag (depression), the firmament of intuition and time. .O O .O O 3. Serenity slows the rushing river till it is
the tranquil lake.
.O O . O 4. If one would fathom the water, the water must be disturbed.
. O .O
O 5. When the fathoming stone is lowered, the water adapts to it because the water is serene.
. O . O 6.
When the fathoming stone is withdrawn it is wet; but the water is disturbed only by the drops that return to it.
o .o o .o o 7. Water that is stirred returns to tranquility, for it has serenity.
.o o .o o .
o 8. Water must be surrounded in five directions to be stilled, else it will adapt to the course set before it.
.o o . o .o o 9. Water must be enclosed in all six directions or it will ride fire
or wind to fall free again upon the Firmaments.
.o o . o . o 10. Life is diverting, but diversion breeds
adaptability; and adaptability breeds serenity. The river is very wise.
. o .o o .o o 11.The river shapes
the earth during its passage, and the earth in turn shapes the river's course.
. o .o o . o 12. A was
set at the south pillar of the Firmaments.
. o . o .o o 13. A thrived and bore children, that were Uster;
the Uster lived in the Firmaments of water,
. o . o . o 14. and they sing their praise to A in a song:
.o o .o o .o o .o o 15. Spirit! Elemental! Beach of the river, earth of the water
.o o
.o o .o o . o 16. lay down your strength! The hammer of might
.o o .o o . o .o o 17.
in the distant places of the earth, appoints the bond. The place is far from the champion and the earth unlocks the beast!
.o o .o o . o . o 18. The hammer scatters the fortress. Lay down the appointed bond, lay down the
distant beast, lay down the distant hero.
.o o . o .o o .o o 19. The father is fallen, yet the arm
is strong, the wings are fallen and the waters are the strength.
.o o . o .o o . o 20. Unlock the
beast of might! Remove the champion's strength.
.o o . o . o .o o 21. Who is the beast, who is the
champion, who is the hunter?
.o o . o . o . o 22. Unlock the beast that scatters the hunters, unlock
the champion that appoints the union!
. o .o o .o o .o o 23. Lady of the righteous waters, lady of
righteous might, lady of amorous wing,
. o .o o .o o . o 24. Who is a crown of might. The arm that
imposes strength, make that arm strong .
. o .o o . o .o o 25. Lady of the righteously appointed union,
lady that desires the unlocked beast,
. o .o o . o . o 26. strength that imposes the appointed union,
make the strength that unlocks the hunter.
. o . o .o o .o o 27. The heavenly waters, the heavenly
. o . o .o o . o 28. open the places of outer dreaming,
. o . o . o .o
o 29. the heavenly appointed bond above the appointed fortress.
. o . o . o . o 30. You are the
wind that unlocks the champion, the wind that removes the beast.
The Vermilian Tablet of Izi:
. o .o o (2) izi _+
Upward Triangle Fire Red Leo (urgallu) Acceleration West Energy
Plazma Action Pleasure Attack Power Lead Force Will Passion Anger Love Hunger
Lamp Wands Power /i/ symbolizes small things so it means 'to sprout'. i: ///n., cry of pain (derived from
r, r, 'tears; complaint' ?) i: n., cry of pain (derived from r, r, 'tears; complaint' ?) [I archaic frequency: 17]. v., to
capture, defeat, overcome (cf., d, ; i) d, ; i: to go out, emerge; to send forth; to lead or bring out; to rise; to sprout;
to be or become visible; to appear as a witness (the final d appears in mar conjugation) [ED2 archaic frequency: 12; concatenates
2 sign variants]. : (cf., a).a, : n., oil, fat, cream. impersonal verbal conjugation prefix, indicates distance from speaker.
Izi (fire) who knew the Me of Acceleration:
.o o 1. The Writ of Izi, who knew the Me
of accelleration:
. o 2. This is what Izi knew: One must go forward with will, because Will opposes judgment (verdict).
Izi is the firmament of He (pleasure), the firmament of will and energy.
.o o .o o 3. Will is the joining of all parts of the Self in unified desire.
o . o 4. The unification of desire opens the land of courage, for courage is guided by the fiery will.
. o
.o o 5. Look and see, the flame wavers but it never falls.
. o . o 6. Even in lighting another flame,
the first flame does not suffer. If two flames come together they unite and are made hotter and brighter.
.o o .o
o .o o 7. Flame makes hard copper flow and turns living things to the ash of earth. Flame will consume all that it
is given till it makes it own death by starvation
.o o .o o . o 8. Flame will consume dung to go on living.
Flame will consume any obstacle in its path.
.o o . o .o o 9.Flame must consume to live.Without fuel the
fire dwindles and dies. The greater the fuel the larger the fire, the hotter it burns, and the faster it consumes. .o
o . o . o 10.Life is pleasurable and pleasure breeds desire, and desire is the fuel of will. Fire is very wise.
. o .o o .o o 11. Fire follows it's hunger and feeds it's desire, courage is in its light, thus it comforts
us in the darkness. . o .o o . o 12. Izi was set at the West pillar of the Firmaments.
. o . o
.o o 13. Izi thrived and sired children, that were Lamas; and they lived as the Firmaments of fire.
. o .
o . o 14. And the lamas praise Izi with a song:
.o o .o o .o o .o o 15. In the country the
lady is amorous, in that place the lady is delivered.
.o o .o o .o o . o 16. Lay down and rest lady
of righteousness. The hammer of flames, the hammer of the lady of righteousness.
.o o .o o . o .o o 17.
Beloved, place of building strength, who made her place to drink.
.o o .o o . o . o 18. Lay down The
Decree, lay down the hammer and rest.
.o o . o .o o .o o 19. Mighty lady look about, the mighty fire
is risen up;
.o o . o .o o . o 20. remove and take away your worry. The distant beast that worries
the just,
.o o . o . o .o o 21. hear the decree that the mighty wings impose.
.o o . o
. o . o ' 22. Flee the high places that might imposes, scatter the lion that uproots."
. o .o
o .o o .o o 23. The Lady has a righteous fire; the flame of the passionate lady.
. o .o o .o o
. o 24. Glistening, I burn, as strength made of fire.
. o .o o . o .o o 25. The lady of passionate
strength made me.
. o .o o . o . o 26. I make the winged flame, the crown of might is made.
o . o .o o .o o 27. Drink power and rise up heavenly lady of justice,
. o . o .o o . o
28. breath lady and rise up! Heavenly lady rise up!
. o . o . o .o o 29. Might made me, heavenly
power made me.
. o . o . o . o 30. The breath is mightily made, the wind made my might!
The Chalk Tablet of An:
. o .
o (3) An ++
Tebu/ tebu Air
The Pillar/Line Yellow Aquarius (gu) Evolution East
Space Gases Interaction Elation Evade Genius Wander Obeidience Thought Compassion
Understanding Joy Fear Light Swords Age
An who knew the Me of Cycles:
u: (cf., ). , , a6, u: ten (usually written: u). : n., plant; vegetable;
grass; food; bread; pasture; load [U2 archaic frequency: 225; concatenates 3 signs]. v., to nourish, support. adj., strong,
powerful (man). : n., sleep (cf., u5). [according to S. Lieberman, u, , and u4 were pronounced /o/] v., to sleep. prep., and;
the prospective modal prefix: if; when; after; often used as a polite imperative. pron., a pronominal prefix in a compound
noun, to derive a more specific meaning. u(3,4,8): n., an expression of protest; cries, screams; the grunting, panting of
battle; fight, dispute. v., to bend over.u4: (cf., ud). ud, u4: n., sun; light; day; time; weather; storm (demon) [UD archaic
frequency: 419]. prep., when; since. u5: n., male bird, cock; totality; earth pile or levee; raised area (sometimes written
) [U5 archaic frequency: 1]. v., to mount (in intercourse); to be on top of; to ride; to board (a boat); to steer, conduct.
adj., (raised) high, especially land or ground (sometimes written ). u6: (cf., ug6). ug6, u6[IGI.]: n., amazement; gaze,
glance (['EYE' + 'HOUSE']). v., to look at; to stare at, gaze; to be impressed. adj., astonishing. u8: (cf., us5). us5, u8:
mother ewe, adult female sheep [US5 archaic frequency: 86]. u18[GIGAL]: huge. u20[E]: barley.
.o o 1.The Writ
of An, who knew the Me of motion:
. o 2. This is what An knew: One must go forward with resolve, because resolve
opposes powerlessness. An was the Firmaments of U-a (elation), the firmament of thought and space.
.o o .o o 3.
Resolve is the willingness to suffer to see unified desire fulfilled.
.o o . o 4. The wind is a wanderer.
. o .o o 5. The wind is felt but never seen.
. o . o 6. The wind knows every hole in the mountain.
.o o .o o .o o 7. The wind must stay in motion, the held breath looses its virtue.
.o o .o
o . o 8. The wind sweeps away that which has little substance; the wind wears mountains into desert.
.o o
. o .o o 9. The wind carries the desert onwards to the sea; the wind walks the waves across the sea and stirs
its depths.
.o o . o . o 10. Life is elating, and elation breeds laughter, and laughter banishes pain.
The fool is very wise.
. o .o o .o o 11. The fool follows the wind, and lives in childlike wonder and
elation in all he finds.
. o .o o . o 12. An was placed at the east pillar of the Firmaments
o . o .o o 13. An thrived and bore children, that were Natig. And they lived in the Firmaments of the winds;
o . o . o 14. and the natig praise An with a song:
.o o .o o .o o .o o 15. Place of the
heavens, shape of the heaven,
.o o .o o .o o . o 16. made in the heavens, like milk from the heavens!
.o o .o o . o .o o 17. Whirling wind, shape of the breath,
.o o .o o . o . o 18.
made of the wind, as the hammer of the wind!
.o o . o .o o .o o 19. The arms of heaven and the might
of heaven
.o o . o .o o . o 20. scatter and tear it down.
.o o . o . o .o o 21.
The wings of the wind, the might of the wind,
.o o . o . o . o 22. scatter the champion to the wind.
. o .o o .o o .o o 23. Burning whirling spirit, fire in the heavens,
. o .o o .o o
. o 24. I have made a shelter, I have gone within.
. o .o o . o .o o 25. Stir up the thought,
lady, stir up the storm.
. o .o o . o . o 26. Might imposes the storm, and I have found (shelter)
within it.
. o . o .o o .o o 27. Glistening light! Mighty heaven,
. o . o .o o .
o 28. starry breath above the sky,
. o . o . o .o o 29. breath the sacred. Lift the joy
o . o . o . o 30. breath the wind, breath the spirit of this place!