Incantations (with sound files) and other data

Incantations (with sound files) and other data
History of the Datu
History of the Hanochem
Understanding the figures on the Tablet:
The Numbers of the Gods
THE DARDA: The written works of the Datu
Opening the lines of communication:
Three orders of beings:Mortal, Elemental, Eternal.
Tablet part four: The sixteen elemental counterchanges.
THE WRIT OF FIVE: Magic, The Path of Enki
THE WRIT OF SIX: the need to step beyond the path of Enki
THE WRIT OF SEVEN: The Creation Myth part 1.
Creation Myth part 2
Creation Myth part 3
The Creation Myth part 4
Understanding the myth
THE WRIT OF EIGHT: The eight rays
The tales of the emissary.
THE WRIT OF NINE: The Theurgy Path of Enlil
THE WRIT OF TEN: Seeking perfection, The path of the King
THE WRIT OF ELEVEN: The Path of the Priest/ess
THE WRIT OF FOURTEEN: The Wisdom of the Aphkallu
WRIT OF SIXTEEN: Seeking wholeness, The Path of Anu

sound files currently are being added to the page. a downloadable wave file will preceed the section it is for (when available)

Various info and incantations:

The Yahoo group has a limit on file size so I placeing a mixed bunch of information here.

So without further adeu:


(NOTE: when you see a capital vowel in a word it is the long vowel, this is also the case when you encounter a double a (aa = a as in Say).
The letter 'u' can at all times be made with long 'u' - ('oo' like in boot) but I have used capital u in those places where the word must have long 'u' to be correct.

'samUrutum' will be 'sam-oo-ruh-tuh-m' or 'sam-oo-roo-toom' but never 'samuh-ruh-tuh-m'

The following is a direct transliteration of the Datu charge from the home page.

Since the days (distant times)the one of rites first
ayyanu sAyani sha Parsu kudmutu

ways/path established Datu must santify temple
panana Kinu Datu kasAru ashAru Mahtimmi

Datu must command sacred space.
Datu RakAshu mati

I am Datu. a throne I have built
Anaku Datu. Shubta anaku banum

weakness and verdict I have left behind
ensa u dina-dana ezebum

With my left hand I wield The savage dark
shumeli mummuti ush-a Ganzir

With my right hand I wield The healing light
idu-qAti mummuti me-a Melam

I laid my head upon
anaku bashu qaqqadi Kabash

pure lap the one of Ishtar
ellu ishda sha ishtar

I have bathed in the waters of enki
Anaku Ishipu Taha Absu

and (have been) Blessed I have eaten of the bread of life
U Ikribum anaku akalum mu pannigi sha napishtu

and I have supped at the cup of wonder
U anaku akalum mu tilimati sha namiru

I am Datu
Anaku Datu!

The Trinities of the 130 powers
Anu Lord of heaven, He and Nammu make the sum of the Universe
Enlil Lord of the skies, He rules all from the ground to the end of the sky
Enki Lord of the Abzu, He is progenitor of form and rules the Abzu

Adad Keeper of locks, Judge in the lands
Sin Watcher of the Night, Judge of the night
Shammash Watcher of the day, Judge of the day

Nergal The warrior (all things Male) Hate, Plague-death
Ishtar The lady (all things female) Love, Joy-life
Nabu The heir (all things neutral) Fear, Knowledge-Healing

Inanna New moon - maiden queen
Ningal Full moon - mother queen
Ereshkigal Dark moon- Death queen

Shalla Maker of Bread, The bread of life
Ninkashi Maker of Beer, The cup of Wonder
Ninmah Maker of Onion, The many layers of truth

Ninki The queen earth, the mountain, Gives life
Ninlil, The queen Sky, The clouds, Give compassion
Antu, The queen heaven, the stars, Gives destiny

Geshtinanna, The scapegoat for Tammuz-scribe of Allatu
Uttu, The seduced daughter of Ea, Weaver of pattern-keeper of the sacred clothing
Urash (goddess) the raped, keeper of virginity - was given back her virginity by Ea

Meslamta Ea, and Lugal Erra, Guardians of the gate of heaven, warriors against evil
Tammuz and (Nin) Ghizhida - Gate guardians warriors that pass between light and dark.
Latarik Scourger of demons and (Sukkal to Lulal) and Lulal Smiter of devils (placed in Tammuz's position by Inanna his adopted mother)

Girra, The fire transporter of offerings to the gods
Gibil, The flames of the fire, present on torch and lamp
Nusku, The lamp and the light of the lamp

Nisaba (the younger) Scribe of the heavens, defender of the down trodden,
Tashmitum, (revelation), Scribe of heavens, defender of the ignorant
Belet Seri, (accounting), Scribe of the underworld, defender of the destiny (secret teacher of sexual pleasures)

Kur, The underworld mountain
Ninhursaga, The queen mountain
Asakku, The beast of the mountain and the stones

Namtar, Keeper of all fates
Nanshe, Seer of all fates
Ninazu, Healer of wrathful fates

Ninib, the Hunter
Ningirsu, the Hero
Ninurta, the King

Nanna, He who drive back the darkness
Utu, He who is the light
Ishkur, He who watches the lands in the lights

Ki-lili, (the whore)
Shappash, (the seductive)
Nanaya, (The Fanciful)

Sahara, dawn engendering desire as sexual union
Aya, dawn engendering love as sexual union
Sherida, dawn engendering faithfulness as sexual union

Marduk, The king The power - Law on the throne
Sharpanitum, The queen Compassion and mercy
Damu, the heir, the Healer of the land

Gatamdug, who heals and midwifes births
Bau-Arussu, Who forms the fetus and Midwifes births
Nidaba, who heals and Midwifes births

Martu, Rage and destruction, the desert storm
Erra, ferocity and prowess, the Blazing sun
Saltu, Strife, The vengeful jelousies

Ishtaran, who mediates justly; '
Nirah, Sukkal to Ishtaran, protector of temples
Dagan, Sukkal to Enlil, keeper of the granary record

Shamu / Kittu, Truth revealed (Shamu), Truth understood (Kittu)
Misharu, Justice at work in view of truth,
Dayyanu, Judgment that discerns truth

Azag, Taboos
Kingu, Sins
Lamashtu, Evil deeds

Abzu, Source of form
Nammu, Source of life
Mummu-Tiamat, Source of substance

Mulissu, protector of wives
Gula, protector of mothers
Ninsikilim, Protector of children

Shakkan, Lord of wild creatures
Ashnan, Lady of domesticated animals
Lahar, Lord of crops

Alla, Reaper of souls, the net man, god of fishing (Sukkal of Ninghizhida)
Neti, Gate keeper of underworld gates
Hendursag (Sukkal of Nanshe) and god of the law

Sadarnunna (oil) and Abu (plants)
Sagimu (incantation) and Mummu (the word),
Asarluhi (exorcism)and Ninikarrak (healing)

Ninegal, the lady jailer
Ishum, (Night watchman)
Birtam, marker of boundaries husband of Ninegal

Pabilsag, Deliverer of just punishment IN service to Enlil
Papsukkal, High Vizier, Messenger and Sukkal to all gods, in service to Anu
Isimud, The two faced, long sighted vizier to Enki

Urash, keeper of the tides of the seasons (solstices and equinoxes)
Enbililu - canal keeper appointed by Enki, keeper of tides
Haya, God of stores, husband of Nisaba

Adapa - Silla First man and woman
Gilgamesh- Enkidu First king and best pal
Lugalbanda- Ninsun great hero and his wife, the goddess of cattle,

Nindara, , The Diviner, husband of Nanshe
Mamu, goddess of dreams and Omens
Ninmug wife of Hendursag

Enten the farmer god
Emesh the herder
Buzur (secrets in the earth)

Atu Goddess of apprentices
Ninmada the snake charmer
Mah, creatrix of rebirth

Mammitu the oath taker judge of the underworld
Annunitu goddess of the river
Enmensarra god of knowledge of civilization and the sun

Ishara oaths (married to Ishkur)
Kulitta music
Kusag patron of priests

Ninigal smiths
Shamuquan Cattle
Shulpa'e Wise old man of the wild

Umunmutamku deliverer of offerings
Zakar bringer of dreams
Sataran judge and healer

The abgal
The Aphkalu
The sibbittu

Kulla, restoration of temples
Nin-ildu- the carpenter god. He carries the pure axe of the sun.
Mushdamma God of bricks and construction

Lil: (sounds like saying 'little' very rapidly)

'Lil' is the manifesting of a god.
A 'Lil' is caused by the Gishur (pattern) of the Melam (divine light) or Ganzir (divine shadow) of a God descending or rising to affect the Ni (spiritual awareness) and Zi (life force) of a 'Vessel' (object / person) and makes the vessel a conductor and a projector of that Gishur of energy. Often called a 'soft mount', a Lil is a state of semi spiriyual possesion. The advantage of Lil is that even at the strongest level, the person experiencing a 'Lil' will still be conscious and have memory of that period of time. It is common that a Lil is done in conjunction with a reading using the four tablet divination system. A diey Lil, speaks through the mouth of the diviner, but the stick are cast in a definiative method in order to confirm what the Lil proclames. This stick divination (Shub) gives distinct yes and no answers. In addition further patterns can be gleaned from the cast that offer 900 units of information of all types. Thus if the cast denies the statment made by the oracles pronouncment of Lil, the statement is deemed to be a mistake by the diviner and a greater effort must be made on the diviner's part to strengthin the communication of the 'soft mount'. Theurgy (the practice of assuming divine Lil for the purpose of spiritual growth) is represented in this practice of LIl.


A full possession by a God 'head' or 'path'. A ba is full on possesion. It is practiced only rarely and with much preparation and precaution. During such possessions the ego of the human participant is submerged and absent. No memory remains of the period of possession. Such manifestations are accorded all respect and generally only happen at high rites.

Investment (Meri Pala):

To receive that pattern of a Ray directly into the Higherself in order to have that god and their Lil alive within you.

Da-ansab (to receive):

Objects invested with the Lil of a god that represents that god and its power, given in place of an Invested power. A person that receives it is said to be 'Maharu rumutu sha Illani' (accepting the mark or assistance of a god)

A list of the common rites

1. Daltu (door): The welcoming rite:
This rite is an introduction composed of a ritual washing of the hands and anointing with oil and accepts the student as a supplicant.

2. Baru (examination):
This rite is used to determine ones bloodlines and which of them are primary. In addition it clarifies if one should take further training on the road to Investment.

3. Sheba(Promise): Dedication rite:
This rite is the dedication to one's Diety and a promise to follow their veneration.

4. Shuterusu (preparation): Neophyte rite:
This rite inducts the student into the ranks as an apprentice and is the first real step of initiation and investment.

5. Dalapu(to awaken): initiation into the diviner's guild or the Magicians ranks:
This rite is an option and not everyone takes it. A person may chose to study the diviner's path or to study the path of the Mogur or both in turn. a person that has decided to be a diviner is given the er shubatu, a person seeking the mages path will take the er mogur.

6. Aladu: Acolyte rite
this Is the descent into the underworld that signified full initiation into the Datu ranks. Notes will be given below as to the effects on this rite due to our reassumtion of our traditional practices. In the tradition this was the raising of the initiate to the status of a priest. This preistly class was a general designation as opposed to a priest of a specific diety

7. Shukuttu(adorment): Investiture rite
This rite is the investature of the Diety in the Acolyte and thus makes them a priest specifically of their Power. Thus a child of Ishtar becomes a priest/ess of Ishtar in this rite. Along with the investment come the 'Da-ansab' (receipt) of the secondary Power' I.E. if your primeary power is Enlil as your father, that power (Enlil) in invested, the second power seen as your 'mother' would be presented with their mysteries but not invested.

8. Hashadu (marriage):
This is the rite in which one is 'wed' to the traditional consort of one's prime deity. The result of which is the acquisition of the beneficial powers of that consort. Often this will be the same as the secondary Power but it may be a different power than the secondary.

In addition to these rites an Atu may need to 'Da-ansab' (receive) the mysteries of other powers. These are given in the form of statuary and tools associated with various gods. Sometimes this is because one's primary power is too potent to invest in the acolyte safely. In that case the secondary power is invested and the primary is given as Da-ansab.

The Da-ansab of different things can range from 'Da-ansab lukha' (receiving the tablets) for divination to 'Da-ansab Mummu deam Nammu' (receiving Mummu with Nammu)

The 'Silla' of the Datu
Being the 28 guide posts of conduct

1. To seek stillness of being
2. To seek serene acceptance of one's destiny*
3. To seek the divine will in all things
4. To seek wisdom of the Elders / Ancestors when ignorant
5. to honor one's ancestors
6. to honor the gods
7. to never kill except in defense
8. to accept all people's gods and respect their traditions
9. to seek justice and never seek vengeance
10. to love all beings as Gishur (eminations) of the divine
11. to study the tablet and discern its language
12. to defend the weak
13. to keep the secrets from the uninitiated
14. to keep the traditions in proper fashion
15. to serve the gods, the land and the people
16. to give to the less fortunate
17. to keep your taboos
18. to never steal except in starvation,
19. to walk in peace and power
20. to honor and protect women and children
21. to never take ones own live except to save another
22. to be truthful
23. to fight evil
24. to distain excesses and live in moderation
25. to raise up (teach) the ignorant
26. to never strike in anger
27. to never commit incest either physical or spiritual
28. to be true to your path and the tradition

* The Datu recognise two destinies; the Mutable and the Fixed. The fixed destiny is those factors of life that cannot be altered such as who your parents are, when and where you were born, the color of your eyes, your gender and so on.
The Mutable destiny is that which your eternal soul requested from 'God' prior to your birth. This requested life path can be found and harmonized with, or it can be missed. Our death is included in the mutable destiny, because while our time of death was ordained, our actions can lead us to die early. If one finds and lives their destiny, they will make it to the appointed hour of death and thus complete this lives destiny. In theory having done so will cause them to learn lessons that will help them to evolve as a eternal soul. You will find that this ideal of spiritual evolution did not develope until late in Assyria's existence. Earlier it was thought that the person decended to the underworld eternaly. Later through Median, Persian, and Indian influences brought into play by the world empires of the Persians and Macedonians, reincarnation and 'evolution of being' entered the popular mind set and thus the Datu. Theurgy sat down hip to hip with Thaumaturgy until the popularity of christian and muslim faiths subdued it as a 'sin'.

water blessing wave file

To bless water
Fill up your Maslahtu (water bowl) in preparation.
Hold the right hand over the water holder and say:

Enguru ash-shaabu ina abzu Shurshudu,
The subterranean waters in which the abyss is firmly established...

Bashmu Pu sha -Ea- Nabatu ki sha
The noble mouth of Ea shines on them

Maruu sha Abzu Sibbitu tebu Ma-u
Sons of the abyss there are seven rising waters

Mu elmeshum! Mu ellu! Mu Ebbu!
Waters, they are shining! Waters, they are bright! Waters they are bright

Mahrum sha Ea Abu-ka
In the presence of Ea your father

Mahrum sha Ninki Uumu-ka
In the presence of Damkina your mother

Lu elmeshu Lu Ellu! Lu Ebbu!
May this water shine, may this water be brilliant, and may this water be bright.

Mu Ersetu, Mu Ea, Mu Anu
Water of earth, water of Enki, Water of Anu

Suluh wave file

Suluh (hand washing):
Pour some blessed water from the into your Hand Washing Bowl (pursu).

Dip the fingers of your right hand into the Pursu at the beginning of each line below and wash your hands or the hands of the person you are washing.

(Dip and wash): Suluhamen suluhamen-an
Your hands are washed your hands are washed

(Dip and wash): suluhamen-an sikilimen
Your hands are washed you are pure:

(Dip and wash): suluhamen-an kugamen
Your hands are washed they are Holy

(Dip and wash): suluhamen-an dadagamen
Your hands are washed you are shining

(Dip and wash): suluham-an sensenamen
Your hands are washed you are resplendent

(Dip and wash): Suluha, Suluhamen, suluhamen-an
To wash, the washing, your hands are washed

(Dip and wash): suluha sikilam
He who washes his hands is pure

(Dip and wash): Suluha kugam
He who washes his hands is holy

(Dip and wash): suluha dadagam
He who washes his hands is shiny

(Dip and wash): suluha Sensenam
He who washes his hands is resplendent

(Dip and wash): lu Amellu, dumu sha Illani-ka , Kugam shu Shammu!
May this person, child of their god, become holy like heaven!

(Dip and wash): Lu sikilam shu Ersetu, dadagam shu libbu sha Shammu!!
May he be pure like the earth, may he shine like the heart of heaven!

(Shake water over the left shoulder):
Kishpu Budum! (Evil magic Step aside)

(brush water on the back of the neck)
Banu Erebu! (Good things enter!)

Samnu (oil blessing) wave file

Anointing with oil:
Get some oil from the Oil jar (Shappu) you may pour a small amount into a dish or just get some on you right index finger or thumb.

Hold the oil aloft and say:

Shamnu Ellu, Shamnu Namru, Shamnu Ebbu
Pure oil, bright oil, clean oil

Shamnu mullilu Sha Illani
Oil the brings abundance to the gods

Shamnu Mupasih buana sha ameluti
Oil that eases the sinews of man

(Now put oil on the forehead of the person being anointed and say.)

Shaman Shipti sha Enki
Oil of the exorcism of Enki

Ina Qibit iqbu-u Enki Bel shipti la tammatunu!
By the command of Enki lord who exorcises all things!

(The remaining words are the Blessing after the anointing)

Udhidka Shaman sha balati
I have made thee trickle with the oil of life

Sha Enki idinu ana pashatti
Which Enki has given for relief,

Apsu shushka shaman sha balati
I have anointed thee with the oil of life

Malaku Ina Salimu u Rabu
Walk in peace and power

Summoning the personal Shedu and Lamassu to lift the praises to the powers

'Aru 'aru 'aru
Behold, behold, behold!

Alsi kunushi Sheduja u lamassuja
I summon you the spirits and tutelary goddess,

Wardumi sha awatum sha Anu, Enlil, u Ea
Servants of the word of Anu, Enlil, and Ea

Ana serija takashad! tashame awatumuja!
You will arrive to me! you hear my words!

Jati gimlanni!
Grant me this favor.

Sheduja u lamassuja, wabAlu awatumuja ana Ilannni u Ishtari,
My spirit and my tutelary goddess, bear my words to the gods and goddesses.

Nadimuja, Lu ShemU! Awatumja lu-tebum, awatumja sha Nadim la qatum
My praises, May they be heard! My words let them be lifted, my words of praise let them not end.

The praises

Anaku NadAnu Nadim Melam u Ganziru
I give Praise to the light and to the dark

Anaku NadAnu Nadim Anu sha atrum
I give praise Anu who is the supreme

Anaku NadAnu Nadim Enlil Sharrum sha Sharri
I give praise to Enlil the king of kings

Anaku NadAnu Nadim Ea Bel Absu
I give praise Ea lord of the Absu

Anaku NadAnu Nadim Beli sha Birimi
I give praise to the lords of divination (they are Sin Adad Shammash)

Anaku NadAnu Nadim Ishtar, Nergal, U Nabu
I give praise to Ishtar (lady of the heart, emotions/ motivation and love), Nergal (lord of the fist /liver, the Will, and hate), and Nabu (lord of the mind, intent, and communication).

Anaku NadAnu Nadim ummu-atum Nammu, Bau, ninki,
I give praise to the mothers Nammu, Bau, Ninki)

Anaku NadAnu Nadim SharrAtum Ningal, Ninlil u Arallu (* Ereshkigal)
I give praise to the queens Ningal, Ninlil, and Ereshkigal

Anaku NadAnu Nadim BelAtum Tashmitum, Aya, u Shalla
I give praise to the ladies Tashmitum, Aya, and Shalla

Anaku NadAnu Nadim Kizu sha Arallu, Namtar, Gula u Belet Seri
I give praise to the servants of the underworld Namtar, Gula, and Belet Seri

Anaku NadAnu Nadim atU sha Shamu
I give praise to the gatekeepers of heaven (Meslamta Ea u Lugal Irra)

Anaku NadAnu Nadim atU sha Ganzir,
I give praise to the gatekeepers of Ganzir (Ghizhida and Tammuz)

Anaku NadAnu Nadim NasArutu, Gibil, Nusku, u Asarluhi (Marduk)
I give praise to the protectors, Gibil, Nusku, and Asarluhi (Marduk)

Anaku NadAnu Nadim erbum ZIqIqU
I give praise to the four winds (Ishtanu North wind, Shuti South wind, Shadu East wind, Amurru West wind)

Anaku NadAnu Nadim abuAnU u ummuAtUm
I give praise to my fathers and the mothers (inbi-Ja the ancestors)

Anaku NadAnu Nadim Sheduja U Lamassuja
Lu wabAlu awatumuja ana Ilannni u Ishtari,

I give praise to my spirit and my tutelary goddess;
let them bear my words to the gods and goddesses

The call to the gods that they attend you

Alsi kunushi Illani u Ishtari
I call to the gods and goddess

Lu Tehum! Upshashu Lu ShIbU
Let them come forth! These works may they witness!

Lu izzuzzU ina MahAzU kunu!
Let them stand in their sacred places!

Shammash Ina pania
Shamash before me,

Sin Ina arkia
Sin behind me,

Nabu Ina imnia
Nabu on my right,

Adad Ina shumelia
Adad on my left

Enlil Ina elishia
Enlil above me,

Nergal Ina shaplishia
Nergal beneath me,

Ishtar Ina libbia
Ishtar in my heart:

Ea Ina qaqqadu
Ea in my mind

1. Clearing the space with a bell (Elelu):
(Ringing out can be used to clear any space such as a room or even a table top for a reading)

Starting in the west and ringing the bell, walk counter clockwise saying the following in a firm manner:

Isa ya, isa ya
Rise, rise!

Riega, Riega
Flee, flee!

Xilka, Xilka
Go forth, go forth!

Biesha, Biesha
Be shamed be shamed!

Isa ya u Riega
Rise up and flee!

Isa ya u at-laka!
Rise up and Run!

Ina qibit iqbu-u Enki bel gimri la tamatunu!
By the decree of Enki lord of all!

Bara, Bara edin Nazzu!
Be gone be gone go to the desert!

2. Incantation of Girra the fire god
No sacrifice of any kind can be made to the powers without the presence of Girra (the fires) and his son Gibil (the flame).

Light the incense burner (maqtaru) and / or the sacrificial brazier (Ishatu) and say the
Labanu sha appi Girra (homage to Girra)
As follows:

Girra, Gibil, Gishbar
Fire god, Flame, enflamed (burning)

Girra, Gashru u Shamutu sha illani,
Fire-god, mighty and lofty one of the gods,

Sukuputu lemnu u Ayyabu
Who overpowers the wicked and the hostile,

Sukupu lemnuti Kalam atta / atti shuzubu.
Overpower the wicked so that I am not destroyed.

Burshanu-ka ashabu,
Let me thy Servant live.

Shalamu Atta / atti izuzzu
Let me stand before thee unharmed,

Illani-ja, belu-ja
Thou art my god, thou art my lord,

Danu-ja, risutu-ja,
Thou art my judge, thou art my helper,

Thou art my avenger.

4a. Scattering Flour as an offering:

The flour cast to the four corners is a Kishpu (funerary offering) to the Etemmu (ancestors) as well as a Karrabu (food sacrifice).
Hold your hand over the flour dish, and as you begin to say the blessing of the flour, divide the flower into 3 parts in the dish.

Blessing the flour (said while dividing the flour into 3 piles)

Zatu, zatu, ipru sha ameluti
Flour, flour, food of man

Zatu, Zatu Ipru sha Illi u Ishtari
Flour, flour, food of the gods and goddesses

Kugamutu! Sikilutu!
You are the blessed, you are purifier!

Now take up the flour dish in your left hand;
Take a good pinch of flour from the pile of flour that is closest to your left thumb and say:

Takshu Zidub-dubbu sha Zatu Ebbu
3 heaps of shining flour

Ishten sha Enki (Cast the flour to the four corners / directions)
One for Enki

Take a good pinch of the next pile clockwise pile and say:

Ishten sha Enlil (Cast to four corners)
One for Enlil

Take a good pinch of the last pile of flour and say:

Ishten sha Anu (Cast to four corners)
One for Anu

Swirl the flour dish so that all the flour piles mix together

Now take up a big pinch of flower

(Scatter at chest height and say)

(Scatter high and say)

(Scatter low and say)

(Dur-an-ki means 'the bond of heaven and earth' and is an offering to the gods, the spirits and the earth)

Swirl the flour again and set it down for the next person to use...

If you are calling upon the great gods you would set out a heap of flour for each of them (Anu, Enlil and Enki) in stead of scattering the flour.
There are then 10 heaps arranged as so:

(periods are to ensure correct placement of the asterixs in the diagram, the asterixes are the ten heaps of flour)
Ishten sha Anu
Ishten sha Enlil
Ishten sha Ea (Enki)
Ishten sha Adad
Ishten sha Nergal
Ishten sha Sin
Ishten sha Ishtar
Ishten sha Nabu
Ishten sha Shammash
Ishten sha Ninki
Esheret Zidub-dubbu sha Zatu Ebbu

4b. Asperging with hyssop, reed or Willow branch:

If you have multiple priests in the circle you must do this to each person after they scatter flour. If you are alone you need not do this to yourself. This is also a wonderful cleaning for a person at any time.

Dip the branch into the consecrated water and sprinkle the person as follows:

Isa ya (splash an 'x' on their front)
Isa ya (Splash 'X' on their back)

Riega (splash left then right in front),
Riega (splash right then left Rear)

Xilka (Splash straight up in front)
Xilka (splash straight up in back)

Biesha (splash down in front)
Biesha (splash down in back)

Isa ya u Riega (scatter water around their feet in front)
Isa ya u at-laka! (Scatter water around their feet in back)

Ina qibit iqbu-u Enki bel ashapti la tamatunu! (Raise the willow over their head)
Bara, Bara edin Nazzu! (Cast the water out of the circle behind their left shoulder)

If you are working alone in the sacred space, or after you have sprinkled each person that is present, you will say this same 'Isa Ya' incantation as you walk around the 'circle' and sprinkle water with the Willow / Hyssop.

4c. Zisurru shipti (circle exorcism):
The Zisurru is the 'magic circle' that is made to keep out all evil and misfortune. Nothing may enter this space without invitation. To do this we get the incense burner and we walk around the circle smudging with the incense as we say:

Zisurru zisurru alsi kunushi zisurru!
Ban, ban I summon you ban

Zisurru, Zisurru Napraku la parrarru
Ban, ban the barrier than cannot be broken

Zisurru zisurru Shetu tarasu kamu limnuti
Ban, ban a net stretched out to ensnare Evil

La alu
let no lurker

La uttuku
Let no croucher

La Asakku
Let no taboo (tempter)

La gallu
let no lier in wait

La Tehu!
Let them not come near!

La umu
Let no storm demon

La Rabishu
Let no commanding demon

La Etemmu
Let no ghost

La namtaru
Let no fate

La Tehu!
Let them not come near!

La mutu
Let no death

La Zeru
Let no hatred

La Shiahu
Let no sorrow

La Saltu
Let no quarrel

La Tehu!
Let them not come near!

La kashapti u kashapani
Let no sorcerer or witch

La mursu
Let no illness

La Shertu
Let no punishment

La shegu mutu
Let no sudden (raging) death

La Tehu!
Let them not come near!

4d. Lighting the lamp incantation
Nusku is the 'lord of the lamp' that is a god of purity and holy light. In his presence no evil can come into the circle.

Light the lamp as you say:

Nusku gashru atmu sha Anu
Nusku, great offspring of Anu,

Shu abba-shu, Aplu sha Bel
The likeness of his father, the heir of Bel,

Muthummu sha Apsu, Parasharu shu Ea
The fruit of the deep, sprung from Ea,

Atta /atti iddu nashu u Napahu,
I raise the torch and illumine thee,

Izzuzzu Ina Salimu u Rabu
Stand in peace and power

Once the lamp is lit, say this prayer to Nusku

Nusku Gashru maliku, maliku sha illani
Nusku, great god, counselor of the great gods,

Nasarru sha qishitu sha Sharru shu kallama Illani
Guarding the sacrificial gifts of all the heavenly spirits,

Shanu sha Anu, Gamalu Shimta shammu shu Bel
Messenger of Anu, carrying out the decrees of Bel,

Gashru shu Anantu, geru-ka Le-u,
Mighty in battle, he whose attack is powerful!

La-ka, la-pashuru Ussu shu Shahurru
Without thee no table is spread in the temple.

Nusku Gashru maliku, maliku sha illani
Nusku, great god, counselor of the great gods,

Malaku ina Salimu u Rabu
Walk in peace and power


Nusku Gashru maliku, maliku sha illani
Nusku, great god, counselor of the great gods,

Nusku Gashru maliku, maliku sha illani
Nusku, great god, counselor of the great gods,

Nusku Gashru maliku, maliku sha illani
Nusku, great god, counselor of the great gods,

Malaku ina Salimu u Rabu
Walk in peace and power

Other Gods of note that are not in trinities.
Shutu, god of breezes
Nuah God of intellect
Alala , god of harvest and harvest songs
Ashgi 'Sorcerous earth' the brother of Lisin,
Ababa was a temple gatekeeper,
Antadurunnu was a temple gate keeper
Bes: the dwarf trixiter
Birdu goddess in underworld brings pimples and cysts
Duttur was a Sumerian sheep goddess and protector of flocks.
Ninenmesharra spouse of enmensharra
Enkimdu was the Sumerian god of ditch and dike, irrigation, and sedentary farming in general. He was Dumuzi's rival in the contest for Inanna's hand.
Ennugi, a younger brother of Sin, was a God of Irrigation and a canal inspector. throne bearer of enlil
Endursaga the herald
Enzak was born on Dilmun, the son of Enki and Ninmah. His spouse was Ninsikilla.
Ezinu, the Sumerian goddess of grain, was appointed overseerer of agricultural vegetation by Enki when he put the world in order
Gubaba ,associated with another little known god from Assyria named Samnuha .
Samnuha associated with another little known Assyrian god, Gubaba.
Gubarra A Sumerian goddess, once known as 'The Fire Lady of the border of Eden' became the consort of Ishkur,
Gunura A little known Sumerian goddess, the daughter of Gula and a sister of Damu, sometimes rumored to be the consort of Damu.
Hanish was the sukkal of Ishkur, the Sumerian mountain weather god. Hanish and Shullat, servant of the Sumerian sun god, Shamash, worked together as harbingers of storms and bad weather.
Humut-tabal the boatman in the Netherworld.
Igalima one of Bau's sons, who maintained order in the city of Girsu and guarded Ningirsu's temple
Ilabrat was one of Anu's messengers.
Sirah lays out the feast
Sebitu in Akkadian)
The Iminbe are a group of seven beneficial Sumerian gods, all sons of Ishara. When summoned by incantations, the seven worked together with their sister, Narudu, to repel demons. The group of seven were represented by seven dots and identified with the Pleiades.
Ishara was the mother of the Seven Gods, the group called the 'Iminbi' by Sumerians and 'Settitu' by Akkadians.
Ishnikarad, goddess of oaths. Those who swore using her name and then broke their oaths could count on being personally received by Ishnikarab when they died and went down to the Netherworld.
Kush god of the herds man
Lagamal was an Elamite goddess of the Netherworld who, with Ishnikarab, received the dead when sent below.
The Lukur Maidens were Zazaru, Nipae, Urnuntaea, Hegirnuna, Heshaga, Zargu and Zurgu, the seven daughters of Bau, who served in her temple.
manungal of the underworld gather of souls.
Nirig god of Iron lord of the Ni and Mighty hunter.
Ninkarnunna the barber sukal of ninurta
Ninazimua was a little known Sumerian goddess from the Arali Desert. Her name means 'Lady who makes the tree branches grow straight.' She was noted for her scribal skills. She became the wife of Ningishzida
Ninshubur was Inanna's sukkal who learned how to regender himself as a female.
Ninsun, 'Lady Wild Cow,' was the wife of Uruk's deified king, Lugalbanda. Their son was Gilgamesh, who subsequently became Lugal (King) of Uruk and a Sumerian hero.
Pazuzu was a demonic Sumerian god with a canine face, bulging eyes, a scaly body and a penis shaped like a snake. He had wings and talons like a bird and went about unclothed and unshod.
Shara, one of Inanna's two sons, was the tutelary deity of Umma
Sharat-Deri, 'Queen of Der,' was the wife of the god, Ishtara
Shullat sukkal of Hanish warns of bad weather
Hanish Storm god sukkal of Adad
Shul-pa-e was an ancient mountain god who omce was the husband of Ninhursag.
Sirsir god of mariners
Tishpak The mountain god, Tishpak, 'Lord of Armies,'
Zababa was the tutelary god of the renown city of Kish,
baba gobdess of fertility
Ninsar, Lady Verdure, the Mistress of Vegetation, that cover the surface of the earth.
Ninkurra, the goddess of Mountain Pastures
Uttu, the Spider, the Weaver of Patterns and Life Desires.
Ninhabursildu, queen of incantations

god Abu to set your body free.
god Nintulla to set your jaw free
goddess Ninkasi to set your mouth free.
goddess Azimua to set your throat free.
God Enshag to set your limbs free.
goddess Nin-ti, the Lady of the Rib and the One who makes Live, to set your rib free.'

The god Kushu over the chamber. The evil satyr who receives the sin-bearing scapegoat

Muhru before the city gate. The deity who receives burnt offerings, or incarnation of the fires of sacrifice, dwells at the city-gate.

Sakkut in the midst of the pool. a god of light and war, protects the pools.
Silakki in the ruins.
Ekurum in the leg.
Abbagula in the wall.
Ningarama in the fortress.

Ebeh Summerian Mountain God.
Kaksisa God of the star Sirius.
Shutu God of illness and the South Wind.
Kalkal- Ellil's doorkeeper in Nippur.

Gushkin-banda - The smith (balance)
Geshtu-e- 'ear', god whose blood and intelligence are used by Manmitu to create man.
Kadi: Goddess- snake she is a goddess of justice
Asima a he goat god

Utukki - demons
Muttabriqu - Flashes of Lightning
Sarabda - Bailiff
Rabishu - Croucher
Tirid - Expulsion
Idiptu - Wind
Bennu - Fits
Sidana - Staggers
Miqit - Stroke
Bel Uri - Lord of the Roof
Umma - Feverhot
Libu - Scab
gallu-demons - can frequently alter their form.
umu-demons - fiercely bare their teeth.

40 Couples:
1.Anu and Nammu-Antu
2.Enlil and Ninlil
3.Enki and Ninki
4.Adad and Shalla,
5.Shammash and Shappash
6.Utu and Aya
7.Babbar and Sherida
8.Sin and Ningal
9.Nanna and Ningal
10.Zuen and Ningal
11. Nergal and Allatu
12. Ishtar- Inanna and Tammuz
13. Nabu and Tashmitum
14. Ishkur and Gubarra
15. Ninib and Gatamdug
16. Marduk and Sharpanitum
17. Assur and Mulissu
18. Ninurta and Gula
19. Shakkan and Ashnan
20. Ningirsu and Bau
21. Erra and Mamitu
22. Martu and Belet Sseri
23. Nanshe and Nidarra
24. Enzak and Ninsikilim
25. Haya and Nanshe
26. Nungal (ninegal) and Birtam
27. Hendursag and Ninmug
28. Ishum and Ninmug
29. Pabilsag and Gula
30. Lisin and Ninsikiliam
31. Dagan and Ishara
32. Enmensharra and Ninmesharra
33. Ishtaran and Sharrat Deri
34. Baba and Zababa
35. Birdu and Manungal
36. Ninghizhida and Ninazimua
37. Ninazu and Ningarida
38. Nusku and Sadarnunna
39. Shulpa-e and Ninhursaga
40. Kur and Ninmah

Sukkals the personal servants of the gods
Hanish Storm god Sukkal of Adad
Shullat Sukkal of Hanish warns of bad weather
Ninkarnunna the barber Sukkal of Ninurta
Ninshubur was Inanna's Sukkal who learned how to engender himself as a female.
Birdu Sukkal of Nergal
Isimud Sukkal of Enki
Mummu Sukkal of Abzu and Enki
Papsukkal Sukkal to Anu
Pabilsag Sukkal of Enlil
Kalkal door keeper for Enlil
Dagan Sukkal to Enlil
Sharra Sukkal to Shammash
Il d'brat (Venus) Messenger of Anu
Nusku messenger of the gods
Hendursag Sukkal of Nanshe
Alla Sukkal of Ninghizhida
Ishum Sukkal of Erra and Nergal
Latarik Sukkal of Lulal
Namtar Sukkal of Arallu

Tools as Gods:
Crown of dignity is Anu,
The tamarisk is Anu
The head covering (Kubshu) is Anu
3 meal cakes are Enlil, Anu, and Ea
Copper gong is Enlil and Anu
Cypress is Adad.
Lead is Adad
Bangle of Honor is Adad
Cypress is Ishkur
Cedar is Ninib
The cedar arrow is Ninib
Mashtakal (canari reed grass) is Namtar / Enki
Corn and bread is Shalla
The millet (meal) is Nidaba
Canubu (hemp) is Gatamdug
The Beer is Ninkashi
The antler is Shakkan
The cedar is Enlil,
Ring (ansabtu) Enlil
Pectoral of Mercy is Enlil
Tin is Marduk-Jupiter.
The Date palm is Marduk
The seven (headed) weapon of laurel wood, the storm, the weapon of Marduk.
The Acacia is Ningirsu
Poplar is Ninlil
Wheat head is Sharpanitum
Flax is Mulissu
Honey is Mulissu
The gold bee is Mulissu
The common light is Ninsikilim
The copper kettledrum called 'sword bearer' is Nergal.
The loin cloth (shame) is Nergal
Iron is Nergal-Erra
The Acacia is Erra
The small knife is Erra
The Shalalu-reed is Ninurta.
Mace stone is Ninurta.
Gypsum is the storm god Ninurta
Gypsum is Ninurta
Lead is Ninurta
The waist band is Ninurta
The aromatic wood is Ninurta.
Acacia is Martu.
Sand is Martu
The Laila blossom is Ereshkigal
The Ash is Ereshkigal
The eye Tablet is Ereshkigal
The Sesame seed is Ereshkigal
The thorn is Saltu
The Amaryllis or other red flower is Belet Sseri
The cloth of red is Belet Sseri
The clay lump is Gula
Scepter (hattu) is the King
Staff (shibirru) is Enki
Bronze-copper is Ea.
The 'Buru' Mat is Ea
The crane is Ninsig master Ea of metals
“Scattered grain, chick pea, seed-corn, eating table and the kagal-pots are Ninurra-Ea.
The willow switch is Enki
The willow wand is Enki
Earring of Wisdom is Enki
The gourd bowl is Ninki
The wand of the good reed is the god Asarluhi
The pine is Asarluhi
The sage is Asarluhi
The bell Rigmu shu Nunnu (voice of metal) is Asarluhi
The Flour bowl (Pursuh sha Zatu) is Ninki
The reed is Ninki
The Garlic is Ninki
The Onion is Ninmah
The willow leaves are Ninmah
Lead is Ninmah.
The Hyssop is Bau
Earring of prudence is Sin,
Silver is the great god Nanna-Sin-Zuen.
The undied wool is Nanna
The white thread is Zuen
The Gishbar wood is the Fire God Girra.
The clean incense is Girra
Brazier (Ishatu) is Girra
The fire is Girra
“The living lamb” is Girra.
Silver dish is Ningal.
The desert rose is Sahara
The red brass is Sahara
The Rose is Inanna
Copper is Inanna
The girdle of Love is Inanna
Two figs are her knees;
Must - mead is her crotch;
Two White Figs are her breasts;
Honey is her lips
Two Almonds are her eyes
The gazing bowl is Nanshe
The Date palm-head is Tammuz.
The Date palm is Ghizhida
The 'meal water' is Meslamta ea and Lugal Irra
The frankincense and myrrh are Meslamta ea and Lugal Irra
Copper is Ishtar-Venus.
Copper is Ishtar of Erech
Iron is Ishtar of Agade
The diadem is Ishtar
The white (and red) Flower is Shappash
The El-plant is Nanaya
The cedar is Nebo
Bangle of Pride is Nebo
The bronze is Nebo
The Tamarisk is Ninghizhida
Honey is Ninghizhida
The bells are Ninghizhida
Box-wood is the god Ninazu
The reed is Isimud
The writing clay is Isimud
Many colored wool is Tashmitum
The reed stylus is Tashmitum
Wheat is Nisaba
The Reed stylus is Nisaba
The goat's milk and butter are Geshtinanna
The clay is Belet-Seri
The lovers knot is Belet Seri
Pectoral of Judgment is Shamash,
Gold is Shammash-Utu
The Cedar is Shammash-Utu
The bow is Pabilsag
The cleansing Bowl is Damu
The Mirror is Aya
The vestments are Uttu
Brass is Nusku.
The light of the lamp is Nusku
The torch is Gibil
The censer (lubbunu) is Azag-sud.
The censer (lubbunu) is Urash (goddess).
The Oil / Oil vessel, (Shappu) is Sadarnunna
Water is Sakkut
The water dish (Pursuh sha Mu) is the River-god
The vessel of holy water / Libation ewer (Maslahtu) is Ninhabursildu, queen of incantations sister of Enlil
The little kannu-vessel (pail) / Libation pot Adagurru is the Agubba God of holy water
Lapis is Margidda the wagon
Bronze is Papsukkal.
Frankincense is Enmensharra.
Gold is Enmensharra (the sun).
Wool of variegated color is Labartu daughter of Anu.
Reed spears are the seven
The amphora is Igi-BALAC, gardener of Enlil.
The hide of a great bull is the bull of Anu Gugalanna
Bitumen is the river god and the Asakku
The scapegoat is NinamaShazagga.
The scapegoat is Kushu.
The kid is Unga (the god of the people)
The golden sacred kid is the Great Twins.’
The goat of the torch (burnt offering) is Mubru.
Red sun-disks are the Anunnaki
The sun of cedar wood, is the weapon of Zu
Bread plate is Adapa and Silla
Pot for Shub Diqaru is Shub-Ni-garash
Goblet / cup (Kaasu) is The King
Scepter (hattu) is the King
The Crown (head beads) is the personal god
The necklace is Mummu

Salmu U Rabu