The second ritual act: The birth of the temple; the purified initiate; and lighting of the lamp.
The reason that the Neophye approaches the temple, is that they have found the darkness to no longer fullfill their needs.
They realize that the pain and fear of growing no longer out weighs the pain and fear of remaining the same. The ME of
disjunction cannot solve their inner problems. They wish to grow, change, to be free; and by the very act of deciding
this, the Neophtye begins the second Trial. The Neophytes must embrace the ME of conjunction.
Trial by light demands courage and resolve. It is often much easier to fall back into an old pattern of auto-destruction
and stagnation, rather than face the effort of new growth. Trial by light begins when the Neophyte realizes that the risks
of remaining the same no longer outweigh the risks of blossoming. They become willing to bring the light (self examination)
to bear on their old patterns and face who they really are (authenticity).
This kind of frank examination can arouse great discomfort at first. It is not easy and only a strong understanding of
the light will allow the Neophyte to Balance the Darkness.
It will be noted, that the desire is not to banish the darkness. This would be like cutting off your left leg because you
had decided you prefered the right leg! Instead we must understand, that the lesson of the polarities is the lesson of balance,
not a lesson of light stamping out darkness.
The Neophyte has approached the temple because the darkness has taken lead of their existence and awareness. They are in
a state in which they are preparing to cut off a leg (some the left, some the right). The message of the heavens, is choose
to follow the new birth; stand with the right foot forward, but STAND ON BOTH FEET!
If you have made this choice, then you will be anxious to begin. Let's begin an examination of the figure Tebu.
The single dot is representative of conjunctive energy. In truth, the single dot is two dots joined as one.
The letter 'B' has the value 2. The letter B is seen as representing the shape of a bow; and it reminds us, that life is
not enough in and of it self. The bow by itself is just a stick: TO BE ALONE IS NOT ENOUGH! The bow has potential, but without
the dicipline of the string, the bow is unable to reach it's potential. Even Babilani could not bring forth her children with
out Azag's help.
The word "Tebu" implies that which rises or is conjunctive with it's partner. It represents the tendency of living
beings to seek states that are Biophilic or 'life promoting'. Life promoting systems have a tendency to take advantage of
the environment around them and to strive to be conjunctive and co-operative to those patterns that promote survival and reproduction.
The name Babilani implies: 'the gate of the gods.' It is the basis of the name of the city of Babylon. Babilani represents
the biophilic-conjunctive power of life. In the tales of Babilani she creates life even when she destroys life.
In the creation myth, Babilani slays Azag. When Azag was slain his blood (the power of randomness or chaos to bring change)
is scattered all about. Without the power of randomness to bring change, life would not have the opportunity to make new Biophilic
Katu puts forward the concept that the strong survive and the weak perish. NO! NO! NO! The cooporative survive (though
better yet, the strong in cooporation). From the beginning, one of the most successful survival strategies has been co-oporation.
Current research on the origins of life suggest that life started as a kind of open-faced sandwich. It is believed that chemical
reactions affixed themselves to flat crystal structures in the boiling salty baths around volcanic vents. The chemicals, being
practically two dimentional, were held in place by the crystal structures. In this stable state of residence, the chemicals
were able to interact and cooporate with each other.
First came SELF_PROMOTING chemicals that followed a self catalyzing reaction cycle. A cycle of reaction lead, at some point,
to the developement of nuclaic acids. The acids performed a complex cooporative union that lead to the earliest genetic material,
the chromosomes.
The chromosone is used to store all the information needed to run a cell. These chromosomes and their attendant chemical
reactions gave off fatty by products that formed protective layers around the chromosomes.
These were released in globules
to spread around the oceans. Within these little havens, proteins were free to safely develope. At some point the substance
called "Chlorophyl" developed within the primitive cells, and they were able to utilize water, carbon dioxide and sunlight
for food.
The blue-green algaes were the result, and it was the oxegen that they gave off that oxedized metal and changed ammonia
and methane to nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The result was the ozone layer that blocked out harmful radiation allowing the
primitive cells to evolve into the first single cell animals. The animals ate the algae, breathed the oxegen and thrived.
The various single celled plants and animals began to gather in colonies; and these colonies were better suited to survival.
Soon compatable colonies of different types began to merge in a cooporative fashion. This cooporative living eventually led
to the cells of different types taking up 'residence' where they were most useful. Vulnerable cells began to move towards
the core of the colony, and the more resistent cells were pushed to the outside. Cells with the power of locomotion, became
usefull to the colony when they ended up where they could move the colony to new food sources like light or other more vulnerable
organisms (food). Eventualy specialization of cells led to the developement of the first worms.
The opposite of death is life, and life is biophylic. Life seeks to reiterate, to reproduce. The earliest cells reproduced
by devision. A 'ripe' cell split in two, to become two cells. These offspring were an immortal line. Each cell that matured
and split, was producing a clone of itself. Except for mutation, all the cells were the same; and so the individual cells
could die an unatural death, but the first cell of that type was still carried on in the collective clones. It was immortality.
Natural death, death that is due to the end of a life cycle developed as a result sexual reproduction.
Sexual reproduction promotes individuality. The intermixture of genetic material leads to variety, and variety improves
the chances of survival. Sexual reproduction was simple for the cells. Two cells would 'Bump' together, they would open their
outer membrane and exchange genetic information. Some cells could eat other cells. They would digest the membranes and fluids
of the cell, but the victim's genetic matierial was pirated by the agressor, and this information was passed along when it
Eventualy, some cells would 'learn' to develope all the components to divide and reproduce, but instead of dividing
in two whole cells, it would divide into four half cells called gametes. The gametes possessed only half a set of genes, and
so they were drawn to the Gamete with the other half. In this way the cell shuffled its genetic matter in the act of reproducing
Variety...the basis of individuality was insured. This became the root of our method of reproduction. The union of egg
and sperm, is the cooperative conjunction of gametes. The variety that developed out of sexual (conjuctive) reproduction led
to the evolutionary process.
The Neophyte must eventualy realize that only the highly sucessful, co-oporative approach to life will be consistently
beneficial and thus evolutionary.
Cooporation is the real opposite of obedience. Cooporation means that each component of a system is applying it's unique
gifts to benefit the whole system. The cooporative maintains the system and thus the system does not fall prey to entropy.
Obedience is one component of a system manipulating other components in order to benefit itself. The controling point has
become the other power that is serving it's own agenda. The mind that serves an other power is not a free mind, because it
is obedient to manipulative patterns rather than the cooperative patterns. Free minds manipulate objects and circumstances,
not other people. Freeminds are self reliant and have a inner balance based on self power . Self power is the root of self
reliance and choice. We take responsibility for our own state of being and we do not make the claim that any power like emotions
'made' us do anything.
Emotions are not 'things' with a free will of their own. They cannot make us do anything . We make the choice of whether
we act. We are completely responsible for our own actions. Other powers may feed or guide us, but they ultimately are designed
to benefit the other power. Other powers may reward us for obedience, but they allow us to set aside our own responsibility,
and shift blame on others for our own actions.
No adult has the right to be obedient. When we are children and we are ignorant. We are dependant on other power to guide
us and keep us safe. We develope the stimulus-response patterns that please our guiding forces. The guiding force pushes obedience
at the child and backs this demand with it's own customary set of threats, fears and insistence that the child is helpless
without the adult. This often leads to a 'learned helplessness' that keeps the child from taking on the intimidating role
of an independant self reliant adult. It becomes easier to accept subservience to another power than to try and fail. Often
a person will take on a challenge and then sabotage themselves in order prove to themself that they are a helpless failure.
Appropriate guidence fosters individuality, creativity, and cooperation. It presents age appropriate responcibilities to
the child, that support and encourage self reliant, responsible behavior.
Other powers tend to seduce us. The seduction process may be positive or negative. A positive seduction is based on a system
of reward. The other power rewards desired behaviors. Often the other power is highly desirable and worshiped by it's new
servant. The other power provides direction and purpose, while promoting dependancy in the slave. Some of the things that
act as positive seducers are sex, drugs, cult religions and anything that one willingly submits to because of it's desirability.
Negative seduction is the process by which a subject is incited to rebell against all attempts at seduction. They develope
a repugnence towards the other power and cultivate rebellious behavior. Any manifestation of the other power brings on an
obedient response of rebellion. Some examples of negative seduction are rebellion, juvenile delinquency, and anyone who willfully
rebells against or serves something or someone without choice.
In both types of seduction, the enslaved mind has developed a stimulus response pattern that is obedient to the other power.
They throw down the traditional response with knee jerk velocity with no fore thought what so ever.
The neophyte must learn that a free mind is in a state of constant discovery. It is innovative and creative, it looks at
here and now.
One of the common crutches of other power is 'becoming'. The other power will often claim to be providing the input that
will help the slave 'become' something superior to who or what they are now. The other power will claim to be neccesary to
the safety and education of the slave until that slave 'becomes' an adult, expert, teacher, ect. Even the juvenil delinquent
lives under the illusion that by living his rebellion he will eventualy 'become' free from the yoke of authority.
The concept of 'becoming' is pushed by the other power, because it discourages free action and free thought. Becoming is
the opposite of 'being'. Being is living and living takes place right here & right now. Being is the actualization
of the self; while 'becoming' is an illusion that we 'become' later. The person that is under the influence of other power
is being encouraged to focus on their own short comings and the supposed dangers of their existence. The slave is convinced
that their center is weak and that their circumference is too strong.
The creation myth presents the idea that center is awareness and the circumference is existence. Our existence reflects
and propagates our awareness and our awareness facilitates our existence. If ones circumference is to much to cope with, then
the neophyte must remember that the circumference is a reflection of the center, and that it is the center that is the source
of the trouble, not the centers reflection.
It is obvious, that the writ of Babilani is the opposite of the writ of Azag. Simply compare them line by line. When we
reach the section about the gate of fear, we are introduced to the concepts of will and resolve. Will is not an application
of mental focus, rather, will is the unification of desire. If all parts of the self are unified in their desire, there is
'oneness of motion', and thus we act. Resolve is the willingness to face suffering or deprivation in order to see a desire
fullfilled. There must be determination in conjuction with will, in order to be courageous. Courage is not the lack of fear,
rather it is ability to function DESPITE the fear.
The neophyte cannot expect to enter the gate of fear and find the way to the land of courage, unless they can aquire and
maintain a balance between tebu and katu, conjunction and disjunction, inner dreaming and outer dreaming, center and circuference.
In order to create this unification of katu and tebu, the neophyte must learn how the two polarities interact to create four
currents. In the process we will face four more trials and gain four more Me (gifts).