THE FIGURES .o o..o o.. o o.. o o...o......o.....o....o .o o..o o... o......o...o o.. o o....o ...o .o
o...o.....o o....o...o o.....o....o o..o
BINARY VALUE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 As explained in the Section on understanding
the Tablet, each of the figures is a Binary number thus:
Saturn is the Zero , the begining and the ending
is one, one is the number of the Principle, it is the human number, the number of unity.
Mars is Two the principle
devided, the poles of conflict.
Enki is three, the number of the principle united and produceing a third. thus creation.
Also three is the number of pathes in the tradition (enki, enlil, anu)
Moon is four, the material made manifest and
thus the hungers of the living (want), it is also the number of the elements (see the four currents) also: new moon, fullmoon,
waining moon, dark moon
Venus is five, five is the numeber of the Material mated with the will. Also, the morning
and evening appearence of venus in the sky each appear to have cycles that opporate in fifths (individualy). Venus when appearing
as the morning star has a five step cycle. Venus as the evening star has a five step cycle as well. Thus the upright pentagram
of man is the evening star and Inanna's diadem as queen of heaven. The inverted pentagram of the elementals is the morning
star. It is interesting to note that when taken together, the seperate cycles of the morning and evening stars, combine to
create an EIGHT STEP CYCLE. five is also the number of need.
Mercury is is six. this is the number of the matierial
made manifest-empowered-and mastered. The study of science and systems, but also the number of fear (ignorence).
is seven. This is the number of mysterious forces affecting things. Seven is the number of the babalani's children, the pleiades
(in Taurus reprsenting the sven personal gods) the seven sages as fishmen (enki), eagle headed men (Enlil) and human sages
(Aphkallu, Enlil). it is the number of the days of the week and the mystery of seven as eight (0-7).
NAMES _ki...+na... _a...+mu... _izi...+ag... _an... +lil
ki(earth)= negative earth (the place of mortality) na
(stone)=positive earth (stability, the stone) a (water)= negative (uncontained/rushing water flood) Mu ( lake)= positive
water (serene water, a lake) Izi (sparkleing) = negative fire (hunger/ momentum sparks flying up) Ag (flame) = positive
fire (passion,purification, need ) An (sky) = negative wind (fear,ignorance, that which is above)/(note 'an'-'sky' and
'Anu'- 'empowered sky') Lil (breath, wind,essence)= Positive
these names are combined to generate the 64 spirits
of the Sharraussa.
ELDER NAMES Adar* Enlil Nergal Ea Sin Istar Nebo Shamash
*we officialy attribute Saturn
to Adad, but more acurrately it is Ninurta that goes here. The reason for this is that a common error on the part of current
text translators is that of reading "ninib' in stead of 'ninurta'. In myth and poetry,Ninib (ninurta) is said to be the son
of Adad. Ninurta full filled the function of Enlil in many old legends and it was Ninurta that slew the Anzu Bird that had
stolen the tablet of fate.
PLANET Saturn Jupiter Mars Earth Moon Venus Mercury Sun
ATTRIBUTE 4 50 8 10 30 15 12 20 4 (see above) also number of the seasons and the four scourges of ninurta / adad (Earthquake,
flood, fires by lightening, whirl winds and storms)the four sacred vowel of sumerian (E,A,I,U)
50 the number of life
(5) times the numeder of perfected humanity (10 the number of kingship also the number of mankind= number of monthes from
conception to birth)
8 number of obstacles, 8 as progenitor of (4+4= desease and disaster)
40 is the number
of years needed to be a sage (they died young back then) it is want (30) + mankind (10) and thus the message of want breeds
suffering. It also in the concept of time (30 days to a month) + Humanity(10), thus the mortal life span. 30 is the number
of truth and 10 the number of birth thus: "he that has walked in truth has beget life." it is 10 X 4 or the concept of living
in the Phenominal (elemental world). {NOTE see Enki's seal)
30 is the number of time (month, lunar time measurement)
and the steps of the Tablet, also of cycles and thus the cyclic nature of the tablet (see also enki/ 40 above)
is the number of venus as The full moon (venus and moon both show crecent horns) it is the number of the fourlevel figures
(0-15), venus is the lady of life, also marrying age ack then. it is also the number of initiation
12 is 12 monthes
to the year, 10 (humanity) + 2 (positive and negative) the reconciliation of opposites brings wisdom. the signs of the zodiac,
planets plus elements.(8+4)
20 the number of days in a solar month
are the colors of the eight at work in the world of Life
COLORS BY THE ENLIL SCALE black, ochre(burnt orange),red,grey,silver,
pale yellow, azure, gold These are the archetypes at work in the mental realm
Blue Red (ochre) Purple Green Orange Yellow
These are the colors of the archytypes at work in the world of the eternal
METALS Lead Tin Iron Stone Silver Copper Mercury Gold
STONES Onyx Lapis Ruby jade Amethyst Emerald Opal
PRIMARY TABLET ATTRIBUTE Stagnation Tranquility Atrophy serenity Hunger passion Fear Growth
IN MIDDLE SELF Stubbornness patience resistance adaptability lust dedication rationalization Creativity
/ DRIVE Responsibility safety power cunning ecstasy rapture Genius Glory
guilt aggression compassion Eros agape Wisdom cooperation
PERSONALITY KEYS OF THE SELF Severity judging extroverted
sensing intuitive introverted perceiving Mercy
PERSONALITY KEYS AS PERCIEVED BY OTHERS tough minded ordered expressive
observant introspective attentive Probing warm hearted
INNER FOCUS closure esteem respect mortality wants needs
perspective Identity
THE EIGHT BANNERS obsession causes prejudices suffering personality worship skills individuality
THE EIGHT VECTORS sorrow desire hate death(mortality) sex (procreation)love fear joy
SHARED BY ALL RACES OF HUMAN sorrow disgust hate suprise shame love fear joy
CENTERS cocyx/tailbone groin abdomen crown of head solar plexus heart throat third eye

.o o 1. The writ the Shanhuth (unmaker), Who knew the Me of Stagnation
. o 2. This is what The
shanhuth knew.Divine for today, enchant for tomorrow.
.o o .o o 3.I am the Zag, (the boundary) long will my
children live among you for they are gods of time
.o o . o 4. Look upon the edge of tension and move forward
in your responsibilities. If a thing is incomplete, it must be completed or cut off.
. o .o o 5.If it
is left uncompleted it will return as a stranger with a friendly face and open palm.It will return as a roaring enemy in the
midst of friendly places
. o . o 6. The closer a thing comes to completion the more subtle that completion
becomes. The more subtle the completion becomes, the easier is it to loose amongst that which looks complete. remember my
.o o .o o .o o 7.It is time to follow
.o o .o o . o 8. the new birth,
o . o .o o 9. for the inferior must rise.
.o o . o . o 10. Prepare your self
. o .o
o .o o 11. be still,
. o .o o . o 12. be united in your preporation,
. o . o .o
o 13. gather your thoughts and look inward.
. o . o . o 14. know even the superior fall .
o .o o .o o .o o 15.remember also: One must complete or cut because nothing may be destroyed, only unmade.
.o o .o o .o o . o 16.I take the tail of the web and bind it around my finger, it is unwoven to it's
start.The web is wound, but it is still web. Nothing may truly be destroyed, only changed,
.o o .o o . o .o
o 17. The web may be set alight and it will become flames and smoke,
.o o .o o . o . o 18. The web
will shrivel as its spirit is released, but the smoke and flames, the shriveled char are still the web
.o o .
o .o o .o o 19. All thing return from whence they came and I am the great ending
.o o . o .o o
. o 20. the Datu (pendulum) follows it's course swaying to and fro till dies to stillness., but even then, it has
.o o . o . o .o o 21. To each thing there is it's time,
.o o .
o . o . o 22. if a things comes not, or passes away, it was not it's time.
. o .o o .o o .o
o 23. Do not fear death, for death, is the hunger for life. Fear not darkness, for darkness is the birth place of
. o .o o .o o . o 24. Fear not the darkness for though the flame dies to darkness, the wind
may live in the darkness
. o .o o . o .o o 25. The Lullu are Katu (fallen)for their savagry .
o .o o . o . o 26. The Mulu Ki are Katu for their gentleness
. o . o .o o .o o 27.
The Mulu A are Katu for their deception
. o . o .o o . o 28. The Mulu Izi will be Katu by their rashness
. o . o . o .o o 29. but the Mulu Anu will be Tebu (arisen) for they will seek within.
. o
. o . o . o 30. I am Death, my beginning is Stagnation, my height is Oblivion, my ending is Acceptance.

.o o 1. The writ of the Nechar (eagle), Who knew the me of Tranquility
. o 2. This is what
the nechar knew, Vengeance is a dish that spoils quickly in the heat, Justice endures the furnace
.o o .o o 3.
I am the Had (bright shine), long will my children walk among you for they are kings
.o o . o 4.Look upon
me!I have set my foot upon the mountain and cried with a piercing voice,
. o .o o 5. I have set the Tablet
of Fate upon my breast and I am content.
. o . o 6. By the sword I made a kingdom, yet with the scepter I
rule. remember:
.o o .o o .o o 7. The new spirit rises against the old,
.o o .o o . o
8. Tranquility is gained after the spirit struggles and awakens,
.o o . o .o o 9.first there will
be thunder and lightening,
.o o . o . o 10. you must be persistent,
. o .o o .o o
for you and yours,
. o .o o . o 12. shine and move forward,
. o . o .o o just
and help the weak,
. o . o . o true to your path .
.o o .o o .o o .o o 15.
remember also that In the first I held the bow and arrow, the mace and the sword
.o o .o o .o o . o 16.
I walked over mountains like a temple stair, I stepped seas as a child skips over the puddle.
.o o .o o .
o .o o 17. but now I have put the sword upon the wall and cast judgments for the kingdom, but If I judge I am judged.
.o o .o o . o . o 18.Let the stones shine for me, let the gold glow as the sun in the sea, let the
silver shine as the moon in the river
.o o . o .o o .o o 19. yea my desires are all full filled by
my might and word
.o o . o .o o . o 20. but there is no Tebu for the Despot or Tyrant, there is no
Tebu for the Dictator or the Executioner.
.o o . o . o . o 21. There is Tebu in a giving hand and
broad ears, there is Tebu in the compassionate heart and the bosom of Mercy.
. o .o o .o o .o o 22.what
is a throne without joy? what is a kingdom without hope? these are not power, they are illusion.
. o .o o .o
o . o 23. the golden crown is more severe than the shackle of the slave for the king may not flee.
. o .o
o . o .o o 24.honor must burn in my heart and rightgeousness must flows in my veins.
. o .o o .
o . o heart is pleased by acts of kindness, and the sight of honorable spirits doing acts of righteousness.
. o . o .o o .o o 26. I give gold to the poor,silver to the temple, and lapis to the beset,for I must
show all men what power and dominion are.
. o . o .o o . o 28. Neither Gold, nor silver, nor lapis,
are power, rather power is the willing cooperation of the inspired hearts that love thee,
. o . o . o .o
o 29. Neither the throne, nor crowns, nor slaves, make Dominion rather Dominion is the mastery of ones self and the power
to help others.
. o . o . o . o 30.I am desire, My beginning is Attention, and at my height I am Obsession,
my end is Completion
o o 1.The writ of the Chemosh (subduer), who knew the me of Atrophy (entropy)
o 2. This is what the Chemosh
knew: A child who brags, gives away his secrets,
o o o o 3. I am the ta-he, long will my children walk among you
for they they are gods of war
o o o 4.He that brags will tell me his strengths, and from them I will know his
o o o 5.Woe to my enemies for I know them by their faces and names.
o o 6. They have spoken
their ill and have shown that they cometh, remember:
o o o o o o 7.hidden revolution opposes obeidience,
o o o o 8. you must be ready now!
o o o o o 9. endure till the end,
o o o o 10. meet
your obstacles with enthusiasm.
o o o o o for pitfalls,
o o o o 12.when you are near
the finish push harder,
o o o o 13.overcome your fear,
o o o 14. if you cannot win make a
o o o o o o o o remember, The warrior must winnow his enemies from his adversaries.
o o o o o o An adversary is set to the warrior's task, Victory,
o o o o o o o Give the adversary
worthy respect, plan, strike and win.
o o o o o o The True Enemy is set to the task of Destruction.
o o o o o o The True Enemy would rather see my end than have all the riches of the world I will give the True
Enemy no quarter, for he will give me none save by stupidity or error.
o o o o o o know that the enemy
is slain by the arrow of courage,he will fall by the strength of the sword and shield
o o o o o o Will
and resolve are the champion's sword and shield. Honor and Righteousness are the champion's banner and trumpet.
o o o o Honor is ones sense of that which is fair and right. Righteousness is service to that honor.
o o o o o oThe warrior is not a reaver, he is the avenger the champion is protected by the armor of love.
o o o o o The warrior is the captured flame, the channeled river,
o o o o o o The warrior
is the cliff that repels the invader, the shield that balks the sword.
o o o o o The Warrior seeks to
give each being equal respect, and lets them float at their own level.
o o o o o o Through their actions
the good receive support and respect.
o o o o o through their actions, The rash and the wrathful will
reveal their ways
o o o o o If they are Vile, the honorable warrior is disgusted by them. if they are
Just the warrior will find an ally.
o o o o o The words that one speak mean nothing when weighed against
ones deeds and the respect they bring.
o o o oI am Hate, my beginning is in agression, my height is violence,
my end is loathing.
o o 1. The writ of lord Ea who knows the me of compation
o 2. This is what the Enki (Lord Reed) knew:
never utter a threat, rather be broad of ear and compatiate of heart.for when all seems lost, there is always an answer.
o o o 3. You are the children of the sea of blood and dreams!, long will you reign because you are Mulu Izi (children
of the fire)!you are mortal, elemental, and eternal, but you are one race, the mulu izi.
o o o 4. the me of cleverness
is within your mind, but cleverness is the mother of lies.The truth may be bent by the weight of complex word.,but lies are
broken by the simplicity of the truth.
o o o 5.Speak simply and earnestly,so that your truth is simple and earnest
in this way you will be true to your path, and your teacher will come. o o 6. You will know your teacher for that
one will speak simply and earnestly, and the truth of that one's understanding will be evident. Remamber:
o o o
o o o the teacher is coming,
o o o o o teaching that Serenity is gained through simplicity,
o o o o know your boundrys,
o o o o share your knowledge so that is is fresh,
o o o o
o do not be distracted from your path by your hunger,
o o o o consider cooperration no matter how much is
in opposition,
o o o o be receptive to the views of others and win them over,
o o o Above
all else follow your path well
o o o o o o o o remember: Misunderstandings often stem from misunderstood
words.Words are mutable in interpretation.
o o o o o o o Only the body speaks truth. The body is still
or the body is in motion, it cannot be both.
o o o o o o o Watch the motion, it is indicative of the edge
of tension.
o o o o o o The motion will indicate what is truth, the words may not.
o o o o
o o o A persons will do as s/he intends to do, regardless of what they may say.
o o o o o o seek not
the answer, rather seek to understand how things fall into place.
o o o o o o Do not stand alone for to
be alone is not enough. each mind grows in the presence of other minds. seek solitude only in body never in mind nor spirit.
o o o o o Look upon the lone reed, it is but one reed and weak, yet when the tempest comes, the cedar
is broken, but the reed bends.
o o o o o o o Yet one reed does not hold the bank of the river against
the rushing waters, if the reeds are many, they hold the bank in it's place. If the reeds are bundled, they support the roof
that defies the wind o o o o o o The bundled reed makes the torch that defies the night.
o o o
o o o together they make the boat that defies the waters.Placed together in their numbers, they dull the teeth of
the earth that bites the sleeper's back.
o o o o o woven, the reeds nestle the fragile babe to it's bosom
and eases the mother's burden upon her head.
o o o o o o Know that to be alone is not enough, the single
reed cut to a stylus may write the saga of the Mulu Izi but it must have the clay to write upon, or it is but a reed
o o o o gather in your numbers little reeds, but beware for fire rushes through the reed thickets in yellow flames
of fear and rashness.
o o o o o know that you are the children of three races , mortal, elemental and
eternal, but you are one race, the mulu izi.
o o o o He that walks in truth has beget life. selah!
o o 1. The writ of the Naphish (pleasure) who knew the Me of Want
o 2. This is what the Naphish knew:None
are superior, for all things change, thus each must float at their own level.
o o o o 3. I am the Kabag, long
will my children live among you for they are gods of hunger.
o o o 4. If there is hunger, then there will be change.
o o o 5. That which does not fulfill, will be left at the table, and a new table sought out.
o o 6.
I am the might of change for all things must change to thrive.remember:
o o o o o o 7.Do not try to take more
than you can handle,
o o o o o 8. (for) the full cup must be carried slowly.
o o o o o 9.Wait!
your hunger engangers you.
o o o o 10.Court your desire if it may be mutual,
o o o o o 11.(but)
remember that when all is consumed, all is still.
o o o o 12. The wanderer follows for he sees
o o
o o 13. (one must) be calm within and forcefull without,
o o o 14 (in order to) with draw from the table
o o o o o o o o 15.I am the hunger that drives the wanton to feed.
o o o o o o o 16.Every
spirit of the night must step down before me for I am the Diadem that drives back the night. o o o o o o o17.
I am the union of the body that drives the heart,
o o o o o o 18.My horns I have place upon the head of
Ishtar for Need must wear the horns of Want.
o o o o o o o 19.I am the dream weaver and the ecstasy of
o o o o o o 20. I oppose death lest it be the final meat of my meal.
o o o o o
o 21.None may turn me aside if I hunger for them, none may turn me aside if I feed.
o o o o o 22.All things
must follow their nature, all things must fulfill their cycle.
o o o o o o o 23. All patterns must feed
or be consumed.
o o o o o o 24. In hunger there is drive, in hunger there is fulfillment,
o o
o o o o 25. in pleasure there is escape, in frustration there is bondage.
o o o o o 26. Hunger
for Naphish is the sign of the living,
o o o o o o 27. The living oppose death and take pleasure in all
o o o o o 28. thus they seek life, and finding it make life.
o o o o o. 29.
life must feed and life must perish.
o o o o 30. I am want, my rise is Hunger, my height is Ecstasy, my
end is Frustration. .
o o 1.The Writ of the Pileha (worshiper) who knew the Me of Love
o 2. This is what pileha knew, Only
this moment exists, for the past is lost, and the future not yet found, only love is free of time.
o o o o 3.I
am the Libish (heart), long will my children walk among you for they are gods of love
o o o 4. I am the lady of
need, for love is mightyer than hunger.
o o o 5.I am mistress of the owls for love moves even in the savage darkness.
o o 6.I will see each little creeping thing and take it if it will strengthen me or mine.
o o o o
o o 7.Perservere in the face ofadversity,
o o o o o 8.seize the moment
o o o o o 9.for
the time has come to end it.
o o o o 10.Change now, you will not regret it,
o o o o o
11. grasp the rareity of your beuty and grow,
o o o o 12.yes, attachment to others brings survival
o o o 13. and love rules the family.
o o o 14. But the family must strive for the good of all.
o o o o o o o 15. I am the queen lion who loves, I hunt to meet my cub's needs.
o o o o o o o
16. I hunt for the lion because he will sire my dynasty, his is the seed of strength.
o o o o o o o 17.
If the Rogue lion comes I will fight him for the sake of the what I have birthed.
o o o o o o 18. If I
have no cubs, I will love him with out fear,
o o o o o o o 19. verily I will smite his snout with my tail
that he follow me,
o o o o o o 20. but he will never have me, save by my choice.
o o o o
o o 21. If he slays my cubs I will bear him cubs that they might rise to over come him and take his throne in time.
o o o o 22.I will eat grass or carrion to make milk for my young. for all my sons are kings and all my daughters
are queens.
o o o o o o o 23. I am queen of the warriors green with life, red with vengeance.
o o o o o 24.I will take only truth, for illusion fallen away is lie.
o o o o o o 25.If truth
be a sword, then my armor of love will save me.
o o o o o 26. For no truth is wrong, and no truth unacceptable.
o o o o o o 27. I am lady of rod and ring, I measure the light of life and pace off the realm of the dead
o o o o o 28. I have walked in the realm of the death to free my love, and because of my love i have emerged
again alive.
o o o o o 29.I have stood before the eye on the throne and have caused the eye of death to
close before me. o o o o. 30. I am love, my beginning is admiration, at my height I am Rapture, my end is
o o 1.The Writ of The Nahash ( Serpent) who knew the me of Fear
o 2.This is what Nahash knew,There is
not that which is good, nor that which is evil, Rather, there is Tebu (that which rises), and Katu (that which falls)
o o o 3. I am the Mush, long will my children walk among you for they are gods of secrets
o o o 4. I am the
rook that lines its nest with forgotten treasures . I am the spider that weaves for the moth.
o o o 5. I lurk
behind the door and listen, I watch the crossroads though I am not seen.I am the serpent of secrets,. I abide in the darkness
because secrets abide in dark places.
o o 6. with secrets come might, with might must come passion and patience.
o o o o o o 7.Reach down to the weak,
o o o o o 8. do not loose your guideing star.
o o o o 9. remember, Compation overcomes agression,
o o o o 10. one must stand firm, even if you are
o o o o o this way you will make others hunger for the same things.
o o o o
as the unchanging spring nurturing all
o o o o 13. be a gradual but lasting influence,
o o o
14. be patient and intend to be happy.
o o o o o o o o 15. with patience my power grew. Now If I am coiled
in the cross roads none shall pass, even lion is loathe to tread on me
o o o o o o o 16. If you take hold
of my tail I will bite your cheek, if you take hold of my neck I will strangle your arm.If my colors tire I shed my skin.
o o o o o o o 17.Though I crawl upon my belly, I scale the sacred acacia and feed upon the birds of the
air.Though I choke upon dust all my days, I see the heavens when I rise up.
o o o o o o 18.Even if the
king looks away from all others, his eyes race to me if I crawl before him.Even though I am feared, the priest will admit
me to his chamber for he knows I bear the message of the great gods.
o o o o o o o 19. This is what I
know,That which works is real, but no success is guaranteed, because all things contain the seeds of their opposites, Entropy
brings perversity to Order.
o o o o o o 20. It is the way of things that Gishur (patterns) come from the
Melam (divine light), if a pattern comes to be, it becomes more likely to reappear with each appearance. Only another pattern
that feeds it too well or cuts it at the root can make it cease to be.
o o o o o o 21. There is no end
to information, but the senses are limited and so one must be broad in awareness. It is impossible to ceace learning, thus
one must be broad in understanding.
o o o o o 22. I seek for the secrets without, because I know that
knowledge is power.I seek for the secrets within, because I know that personal knowledge is personal power.
o o
o o o o o 23.All thing have opposites that exist in dynamic balance, and one may not change one thing and it not change
another.All things are connected and interrelated for all things are Gishur of the Melam.
o o o o o o
24. I will hold within me two opposite points at once, for the reconciliation of opposites brings wisdom.
o o
o o o o 25. If any two things have a common thread between them, then this thread binds them both.
o o
o o o 26. Anything that has been part of a pattern contains a smaller copy of that pattern. That smaller part is tethered
to the greater and so they are bound by a common thread.
o o o o o o 27. If a thing has been part of another
thing, I may use the part to affect the whole.If I can understand a thing, I may influence that thing.
o o o
o o 28. The true name of anything, emits that things light, and that light may be manipulated, and by this manipulation
one may gain insight into another's universe.
o o o o o. 29 All beings live within their own universes,
for none may see through another's eyes. All beings are the personification of what the center of their universe contains,
thus we understand them but we cannot be them.
o o o o 30. I am Fear, Fear begins in ignorence and reachs
the it's height in panic, only understanding causes Fear to fall away.
o o 1.The Writ of the Addi (the adorned one) who knew the Me of Growth
o 2.This is what the addi knew,
Thou art gods and each special and individual.
o o o o 3. I am the Nabu (light bringer), long will my children
walk among you for they are gods of joy.
o o o 4.sorrow pursues all beings, it seeks in bed and in the field.
it follows, walking sideways like athreatening jackle.
o o o 5.Joy is as the lion that drives the jackle forth
from his path.
o o 6. If you would walk your own path one must light the path well, for there is much that one
must see.
o o o o o o 7.remember, light conquers darkness,
o o o o o 8.but one must know their
own strength .
o o o o o 9.Strength in the face of danger.
o o o o 10.Break free and act with
o o o o o 11.or restrain yourself and act with strength,
o o o o 12.but remember
that all must strive for the common good.
o o o o 13.kneel down and act with strength,
o o o
14.and remember that unrestricked energy comes from continual persistence.
o o o o o o o o 15. I am individual
and alone there are none like me, I am the only one of my kind. all my kindred shine with my light.
o o o o o
o o 16. I am individual and alone, with out me there is no life. I spread life and joy, scattering the grains of life
as seeds in the field.
o o o o o o o 17. the light is life and life is light, let none obscure you, for
that is death and darkness.
o o o o o o 18. I am the king of justice, the Dan addi tabaoth ucal (judge
adorned with the circle of power), my great eye looks upon the darkness and drives it hence.
o o o o o o
o 19. I am the Lion of fierce joy , who hunts to the rythem of the heat
o o o o o o 20. I feed upon the
mighty bull and lithe antelope..
o o o o o o 21. I feed first that I might be strong to protect my pride.
o o o o o 22. I do not eat grass nor feed on carrion.
o o o o o o o 23. I slay the
jackal if he takes from me, for he is a coward
o o o o o o 24. I go forward with courage for that is my
o o o o o o 25. I will roar aloud that each know my words.
o o o o o 26.I
am life for I sire kings and queens
o o o o o o 27.I am the light that warms the vine.
o o
o o o 28. I am the light that wilts the vine
o o o o o 29. I am the light that burns away the
o o o o 30. I am joy, I rise in elation, I am maintained in laughter, and only the silence may
bring me low.