Creation Myth part 2
Incantations (with sound files) and other data
History of the Datu
History of the Hanochem
Understanding the figures on the Tablet:
The Numbers of the Gods
THE DARDA: The written works of the Datu
Opening the lines of communication:
Three orders of beings:Mortal, Elemental, Eternal.
Tablet part four: The sixteen elemental counterchanges.
THE WRIT OF FIVE: Magic, The Path of Enki
THE WRIT OF SIX: the need to step beyond the path of Enki
THE WRIT OF SEVEN: The Creation Myth part 1.
Creation Myth part 2
Creation Myth part 3
The Creation Myth part 4
Understanding the myth
THE WRIT OF EIGHT: The eight rays
The tales of the emissary.
THE WRIT OF NINE: The Theurgy Path of Enlil
THE WRIT OF TEN: Seeking perfection, The path of the King
THE WRIT OF ELEVEN: The Path of the Priest/ess
THE WRIT OF FOURTEEN: The Wisdom of the Aphkallu
WRIT OF SIXTEEN: Seeking wholeness, The Path of Anu

The Sibbiti come forth:

katu nergal
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1 It came to pass that the grievous wound had slain AZAG and that
Lamashtu was alone in the void.

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2 Lamashtu was sore afraid for to be alone was not enough.

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3 Lamashtu breathed the breath of life in to the nostrils of AZAG,
but the grievous wound had ruined the mind of AZAG. A madness wrapped
itself about him and he knew not Lamashtu.

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4 AZAG took Lamashtu up in his arms and he harmed her grievously for
he loved her not, The coupling brought forth progeny. AZAG knew not what
purpose the progeny fulfilled so he ate them ravenously, and only the
strongest escaped.

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5 Over and again he harmed Lamashtu. Over and again Lamashtu
brought forth progeny in great travail. Over and again AZAG fed upon the
progeny Lamashtu birthed.

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6 It came to pass that Lamashtu fled from AZAG while he ate of their
young, and she flew to the firmaments for she knew that Babilani slept.

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7 Upon the Firmerments Lamashtu looked about and saw there the
many livening creatures that Babilani had made.

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8 Lamashtu looked upon them and saw her form in the lion and the
eagle, the scorpion and the ass. Lamashtu admired their fangs and claws,
Lamashtu admired their pelts and stings. She thought," Verily here is great

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9 Then Lamashtu saw the Lullu (savage) and was vexed.

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10 The Lullu bore no fangs or claws, nor had it a sting nor scales
upon its form. Lamashtu saw that the Lullu walked upright, and alive even
amongst the hungry beasts of the field, and she wondered at it's cunning.

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11 Lamashtu gathered up a male and a female and took them before
AZAG and she showed them to him saying, "Look you my father, see that which
I have made for you. Let them be help mates unto you for they have strange
might and are of the sea of blood and dreams."

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12 AZAG looked upon Lamashtu and spoke saying, "Why have you
brought me these things? The Lullu are of no value save as food unto me.
They have not the fang in jaw and the claw upon the hand! They have not the
eye of the falcon nor the scales of the serpent. They surely are not of my
blood, nor are you!"

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13 AZAG cast out the Lullu from his left hand and with them he
cast out Lamashtu from his right hand, and together they fell back to the

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14 Lamashtu gathered the broken man and the shattered woman and
gave them back the breath of life

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15 She went before them and took from them their beastly nature,
She molded them stronger, she gave them speech that she could teach them
and she taught them to keep fire and to make simple weapons and tools of

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16 She taught them to worship her as mother and father. She spoke
unto them saying, "The Lullu were strong but You shall be the Mulu Ki
(children of the earth).", and she remained with them upon the firmament,
and the Mulu Ki multiplied

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17 She gathered to her the mighty among the gibbeting, mewling
things of The First Brood, and those of her children that had esaped Azag, and she set herself a kingdom calling herself
'Katuallu' (the fallen spirit).

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18 The Mulu Ki served her and worshiped the First Brood, the Mulu
Ki raised great stones to the First Brood, and shed the blood of their
children with stone knives, and their monuments of the First Brood were
brown with the blood of the sacrifices made to them. These were the names
of those that were chief amongst the First Brood.

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19 Mushmahu, the furious dragon of the darkness

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20 Ushumgallu, who was like a ravening lion.

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21 Basmu, a great and terrible viper

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22 Mushhushuru, a many headed dragon

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23 Lakhamu, the she giant

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24 Urgallu, who was mate to Ushumgallu

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25 Urdimmu, the ravening dog

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26 Girtablilu, the scorpion man

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27 Kullullu, the fish-man

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28 Kussariku, the bull spirit

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29 Kingu, son of Lamashtu, a great dragon that was served by eight
spirits of wrath.

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30 Mummu, daughter of Lamashtu that was called the Tiamat.

tebu nergal
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1 Now at long last, the sleep of Babilani was ended and she sat in
the river, on her haunches that Enki could midwife the birth her children
The first child sprang forth and laughed, and his light was beautiful to
behold, and so she called him Addi, (the adorned one).

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2 The second child came forth and she was full of the hunger for
Napish,, and Babilani called her Naphish, (pleasure)

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3 The third child raged forth and he smote the stones with his fists
until his fists bled and the stones wept tears of water, and him she called
Chemosh (the subduer)

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4 The fourth child came forth in the form of the serpent and he
healed his brothers hands, and he pried about into the hidden places even
unto the Apsu and him she called Nahash, the serpent.

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5 The fifth child came forth and set his foot upon the mountain and
claimed it with a piercing cry, and him she called Nechar (the eagle).

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6 The sixth child came forth and saw all the pain round about and
made she a balm against the loneliness and she was called Pileha (worship)

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7 When the last child came forth, it was seen that he was truly the
son of his father, black he was with garnet eyes, he looked round about and
saw the web of a spider, and taking it by the finished end he unwove it,
and she called him Shanhuth (the unmaker).

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8 Babilani spoke to the children saying, "Go you forth into this place, for
you will rule here with me. ", and the children went forth and looked upon
the Firmerments.

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9 In all places, the children of Babilani knew wonder, and they were
joyful and innocent.

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10 The children of Babilani came upon the Mulu Ki and all that their
progeny had made, and the Mulu Ki fell down upon their faces and worshiped
the children of Babilani because they saw the power within them and thought
them to be children of the First Brood.

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11 Now it came to pass that Katuallu came upon the Mulu Ki and found
them worshiping the children of Babilani and she was sorely wroth. Katuallu
pushed back the children of Babilani and turned then upon the Mulu Ki.

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12 Katuallu roared to the Mulu Ki saying, "What have you done? How
have I failed you that you would fall and worship upon the feet of my
enemies? They are abominations wrought of my pain!"

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13 Katuallu wrought destruction on the places of the Mulu Ki, and took
them up in the midst of her hands and threatened to rend them asunder with
her claws., and the Mulu Ki trembled before her.

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14 Katuallu cast them down upon the ground and cried out, "Take you up
fire and weapons and drive them forth lest I smite you with a mighty hand
and consume all that I have given you! They are abominations, drive them

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15 The Mulu Ki rose up against the children of Babilani, and drove
them forth with the cry, They are abominations! Drive them forth!

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16 With the aid of Katuallu and the minions of her fathers hoard
such as she had gathered about her, the Mulu Ki drove forth the children of

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17 The children of Babilani fled themselves from Katuallu and hid in
their mother's hair crying, "MOTHER WE ARE SORE AFRAID!'

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18 Babilani spoke saying," The Enki has shown me all that has taken
place. Be without fear for I am with you."

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19 Babilani spoke further saying, "It repenteth me that I have sent you
forth with out first giving you your Me (gifts of might and virtue)."

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20 Babilani looked sorrowed and said, "I am loath to do so for then
will you loose your innocence, but such is it as it must be."

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21 Rose she up then and she fashioned gifts and powers for her
children from their innocence.

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22 Then made she seven kingdoms of light above the firmament that her
progeny should have succor and safety.

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23 To Addi she gave the kingdom of the sun and gave him the number
twenty that it be the number of his power, and made his vestments of gold
and his crown of flame. She gave him the me of the light of life and goodness

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24 To Nahash she gave the halls of knowledge that abided next to the
sun, and she gave him the number twelve and colored his vestments orange
and his crown of quicksilver. She gave him the me of fear and knowledge

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25 To Pileha she gave the green light that abided by the kingdom of
the serpent, and her number was fifteen, and her vestments were of green
and her crown of copper horns. She gave her the me of attraction and union

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26 To Naphish she gave the mansions of the moon and the number thirty,
and the vestments of Naphish were purple and the diadem of the moon shone
silver. She gave her the me of want and fullfillment

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27 To Chemosh she gave the red kingdom and the number eight, his
vestments were red and his crown of iron. She gave him the me of repulsion and division

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28 To Nechar she gave a kingdom of blue and the number ten, and his
vestments were blue and his crown of lapis lazuli. She gave him the me of desire (drive) and power

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29 To Shanhuth she gave the indigo realm and the number four, and she
gave him no vestments for no crown would sit upon his head. So She gave him the Me of death and despair

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30 Babilani Cast her hair up into the sky, and the Stars were as
jewels in her hair.

katu enki
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1 When Babilani had given her children the ME (powers) that they
would wield, blessed them with this blessing...

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2 Aru! Hear now my words for this is the law of wisdom that must be
known to thee

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3 Life is pain but, pain brings patience, and, patience brings
wisdom, the wolf is very wise!

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4 Hear these nine truths and let them be your banners.

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5 Thou art gods!

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6 There is not that which is good, nor that which is evil, Rather,
there is tebu (that which rises), and Katu (that which falls).!

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7 Only this moment exists, for the past is lost, and the future not
yet found, only love is free of time.

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8 None are superior, for all things change, thus each must float at
their own level.

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9 Never utter a threat, rather be compassionate and broad of ear such as
the Enki is.

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10 Remember that a child who brags gives away his secrets.

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11 Vengeance is a dish that spoils quickly in the heat, but justice
endures the furnace.

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12 Divine for today, enchant for tomorrow.

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13 To be alone is not enough.

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14 Remember these things and I will bless you with this blessing

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15 Even if you should stand naked upon a blackened field of battle,
with your enemies arrayed in ranks before you, I will not forsake you,

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16 Even as they charge down upon you, you will find yourself clothed
in vestments of the blackest obsidian and the lapis of kings.

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17 In your out stretched hand will you find the weapon of justice that
is called 'the line of division'.

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18 Your enemies will dash themselves to sundered bits against you.

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19 Verily you will measure them with the hem of your garment and truss
them up in the midst of your palms.

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20 When you stride out upon the land, your shape shall be to them, an
image of salvation, punishment, and pain.

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21 The wives and servants of your enemies shall fall upon their faces
and cry: "Look! Look! A child of Babilani comes!"

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22 The children of Babilani girded up for war and set their weapons in
their places, and the Enki instructed Nahash how to
make gifts to his brothers and sisters.

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23 The gift for Addi was the light of Joy

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24 The gift for Nahash made himself was a wind of Fear

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25 The gift for Pileha was armor of Love.

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26 The gift for Naphish was a net of Frustration.

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27 The gift for Chemosh was an arrow of Courage.

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28 The gift for Nechar was a bow of Justice.

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29 The gift for Shanhuth was a horn of Despair.

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30 The children of Babilani went forth to make war upon Katuallu and
the First Brood.

tebu enki
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1 When Katuallu saw them come nigh, she was furious but sore afraid.
She roused the wind about her and she roused the mightiest of her progeny
and of her father's First Brood.

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2 The horde issued forth full of venom and icor, clawed, toothed and

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3 Freed in their hunger they smote all things all about them and
consumed even the firmament and they ate the Mulu Ki who had worshiped them.

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4 The Mulu Ki cried out to Katuallu saying, "Help us! Save us!"

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5 Madness was upon Katuallu, and she slashed among the them like a
wolf among sheep

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6 The Mulu Ki cried out to the children of Babilani, "Help us! Save
us!', and Chemosh raised his angry fist to slay them.

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7 Pileha reached out and stayed his hand saying, "They are as
children even as are we, they are repentant of their deeds."

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8 And the children of Babilani said , "ARU!" and it was
decided. And the Mulu Ki called Pileha 'Ashdar' (queen of heaven)

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9 Now it came to pass that the battle lines were drawn and all of
Katualu's progeny and the mighty of the First Brood were frenzied for

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10 And it came to pass that Nechar took the lead and Chemosh called
the charge.

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11 There was great carnage and the children of Babilani were sorely
pressed. Each child fought hard and alone till Katuallu surged forward with
Mummu upon her left and Kingu upon her right.

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12 Then it was that Nahash grew cunning. He rallied his kindred and
set a plan in motion.

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13 Addi placed the light of Joy upon the hip of Nechar.

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14 Nahash put the wind of Fear in a bag and placed it in the hand of

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15 Ishtar placed the armor of Love upon him

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16 Naphish gave the net of Frustration over to him.

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17 Chemosh gave him the arrow of Courage.

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18 Nechar knocked the arrow upon the bow of Justice.

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19 Shanhuth then gave a great blast upon the horn of Despair, and
there was a great silence.

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20 Addi laughed and all the Progeny of Katuallu fell back with their
darkness, and with them were the First Brood.

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21 Katuallu stood firm, and Mummu and Kingu shivered not far back.

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22 Katuallu roared forth her defiance and it seemed to echo all about
upon them.

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23 The echo grew greater and greater till all, even Katuallu, were
vexed by it's great noise, and looked round about themselves.

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24 Then suddenly AZAG was upon them for it was his roar that came upon
them there.

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25 AZAG had heard the horn of Despair and wondered at it's might, and at
the roar of his daughter he had recalled the progeny that he had fed upon
and he was starved. AZAG tasted the delicious fear of the retreating First
Brood and he turned to pursued them and consume them.

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26 Upon the word of Nechar, Shanhuth blew again the horn of Despair,
and AZAG stopped and looked upon him in wonder and wrath.

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27 Then it was that Nahash Cried aloud," IA BABILANI! IA BABILANI! IA
BABILANI!", and great Babilani rose up in the midst of the battle and Spoke
to AZAG thusly, "I see that you have come seeking again my gifts." and she
held forth the weapon of vengeance that AZAG might see..

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28 AZAG knew great fear and wrath, and he fell back before her.

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29 Babilani held high the weapon of vengeance and spoke saying,

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30 Babilani smote him then with the weapon of vengeance and slew him,
and she cut him in sixteen parts and cast him from the Firmerments. The
essence of AZAG was scattered through out the Firmerments and his cold was
upon it. And there was a great silence.

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